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Nice shading. Black plus ANYthing can be tough!

  • 2 weeks later...
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Good work bud. Funny I should find you here again doing a job I'm looking for inspiration for...

Looking to do a seat for my '78 Yamaha XS650 Special. Did you do the foam work inside the seat as well? If so, what did you go with?


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Thanks Dave,

I did not have to work with the foam at all. The customer gave me a finished seat with vinyl on it and I removed the vinyl and made my pattern from it. I did do some looking around for info on foam and see that high density foam is the preferred choice which you can find at a craft store and some people use an electric turkey knife to shape ant trim the foam.

Sorry I don't have more for you. Good luck,


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Very nice work. May I ask roughly how long it took from start to finish?

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Man O Man, This is very much a BEAUTIFUL seat, Man. !!!

No matter the time it took, or materials used, its Artistry !


Very nicely done. It looks like you used some sort of gloss finish on the black. Be careful doing this, a bit too much gloss and you may find the finish cracking. If the finish cracks it will begin to peal off. My advice would be to apply your gloss with a lint free rag in thin coats and rub it in. I understand the need for something over the black dye because the black WILL rub off. The gloss will prevent that for a while at least. However as soon as you wear off the gloss, the black will begin to rub off also.

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