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I finally made one the string cutters that I saw in Enrique Capones book number 2. In the video below is a demo of that tool being use to cut me some 1/16th goat rawhide string for a few knots on a project I'm working on.

Hope you all enjoy the video.


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Whoa! Very cool. Thanks for showing, Brian. Does it work for cutting kangaroo?


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Very cool video.

The cutter looks amazingly easy to use.

I would love to see more info about the cutter.


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Pete. I have not been able to try it out on kangaroo leather yet. But from what another colleague has said to me is that it will work with kangaroo rawhide and horse rawhide.


Whoa! Very cool. Thanks for showing, Brian. Does it work for cutting kangaroo?


Hi Joel.

What kind of info are you looking for on the cutter?


Very cool video.
The cutter looks amazingly easy to use.
I would love to see more info about the cutter.


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Thanks Brian. It would be great if it worked roo leather. Either way, what a great little cutter.


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Hi, Brian. What are those books by Enrique you are talking about, if you don't mind me asking? I have seen his work in another forum but I didn't know he wrote on the subject.


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Rawhide and Leather Braiding

Rawhide and Leather Braiding II

Here's the link;


They are both available in Spanish and English. Very good books to have in your library.


Hi, Brian. What are those books by Enrique you are talking about, if you don't mind me asking? I have seen his work in another forum but I didn't know he wrote on the subject.


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Wow, I'd never seen that string cutter before. I checked out the link and it looks so simple it's silly. Going to make myself several. Cutting string that way looks like something my 14 year old son would have fun doing. Knothead, what did you use for the plastic piece?

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I used a piece of Teflon rod I bought through ebay. Took it to the local machine shop, or local plastics shop so they could stick on their lathe to drill the hole. But come to find out, Teflon is pretty easy to drill. You just need a way to make sure it will stay true while drilling. Which is why I took the rod to the machine shop. Then the machine shop cut the rod into 1/2 inch pieces for me.

A regular stanley box cutter blade does the job real nice. You just have to grind the back of the blade to fit the inner hole is all. Now that I have used this cutter several times, I am sold on its use with goat rawhide for sure. I have not yet tried it out on horse rawhide, deer rawhide, or kangaroo rawhide, or rawhide for that matter.


Wow, I'd never seen that string cutter before. I checked out the link and it looks so simple it's silly. Going to make myself several. Cutting string that way looks like something my 14 year old son would have fun doing. Knothead, what did you use for the plastic piece?

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Brian, how is the cutter set to size the string?

Can the cutter be set for more than one size?



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To resize width of string cut.

I will twist the blade in the hole to the size I need. That's why I mark the center of the hole so I can use a measuring tape to approximate the width. But again, it also takes test cutting a short piece of string to see that the size is actually correct.

I'll either twist the blade from center out, or clockwise to make a wider string, or counter clockwise to adjust the size of string to a smaller width. Again, test cutting a short run to confirm the size of string.


Brian, how is the cutter set to size the string?
Can the cutter be set for more than one size?


  • 2 months later...
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i tried to make a cutter and idk know if it's the rawhide or my cutter but it keeps wanting to twist on me....i tried pulling my string different ways to keep the hide in the slot designated for it but it still wants to twist out.....any clues as to why?

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I stumbled upon this style of cutter on the Web sometime back, however whenever I went back to try to find it I could not. The video I saw was in Spanish and the guy used PVC pipe rather than Teflon he also used box cutter blades with backs filed of at an angle so they would wedge in properly. After the cutter was built he cut a piece of string, measured the width and wrote that measurement on the side of the cutter with a sharpie. So eventually you end up with a box full of cutters in whatever size you need.

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Your blade may be out of alignment.. I have found that if the blade in mine is not properly aligned where the blade should be either pointing inward toward the area of where the string is pulled in and out the upper hole, it will turn itself outward cutting the string off after a short cut.

Pull the blade out and re-position the blade so it's either straight with the pull or a little more inward.


i tried to make a cutter and idk know if it's the rawhide or my cutter but it keeps wanting to twist on me....i tried pulling my string different ways to keep the hide in the slot designated for it but it still wants to twist out.....any clues as to why?

That's what I have is several cutters in different sizes. But to beat that, I went and got a really good parring knife so that I am not having to grind down stanley blades to replace dull with sharp. I just pull the parring knife out and sharpen it.


I stumbled upon this style of cutter on the Web sometime back, however whenever I went back to try to find it I could not. The video I saw was in Spanish and the guy used PVC pipe rather than Teflon he also used box cutter blades with backs filed of at an angle so they would wedge in properly. After the cutter was built he cut a piece of string, measured the width and wrote that measurement on the side of the cutter with a sharpie. So eventually you end up with a box full of cutters in whatever size you need.

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No problem.


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