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I made this for my wife. I had no pattern, most of it was guess work. The roses I found online but the copy wasn't good and I am not good at painting (lol). I am aware of mistakes I made...things I can change or tweak next time...but please, let me know different things I can do to improve the design. Like I said, I know some of the things that need to change on this design but having people that know the art better look at this will be a big help. Thanks. Oh...and that pouch on front (which is crooked) is a holder for pens.





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I quite like the design of that. Just some suggestions. Look up wetforming, the pouch on the front can be a lot neater when you make a wooden shape that you can use to mould the leather over. Stitches look much neater when you make a groove for the stitches to fall in, and use the saddlestitch technique (two needles). I can't really see from the pictures if the roses are tooled, but some more background stamping would help and maybe some more colouring to bring out the design. If you are looking for some nice designs, look for Al Stohlman.

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Thank you Frederiek...but I did wetform and groove but when I assembled it some of the pouch ended up changing. You are correct that I should of used saddlestitch...yes the roses are tooled but I see where you mean more background. Again thank you...without advice and critique a person can't improve.

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A couple of things I would suggest. First it looks like the edges of the notebook are rough. It really improves the overall look to burnish the edges and make them smooth. I would recommend rounding the corners too. Second, and this is more personal opinion on my part, but I don't like leaving flesh side areas visible inside the notebook like you have at the fold. I think it looks better to have that area lined too, but that's just my two cents.

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The others have mentioned my other points so I'll tell you what else stands out. Roses aren't the same color red all over, nor are leaves the same color green. If you did a search on either of these for pictures it would help your art a lot. You would see that how the light hits them they range in color from black to almost translucent. They have shadows and bright areas. That would give more depth to your art. Cheryl

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Thank y'all for the advice...those are some good points. Like I had said, I saw stuff to improve but y'all pointed out things I didn't notice and that is why I ask for input.

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I agree Frederiek. Practice makes perfect. One of my problems is arthritis and another one is I can't stop (lol). Once I start something I want to finish so I can see my work.

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The whole arthritis thing really sucks. I got hit with RA about 10 years ago and it's been an exercise in learning limits ever since. I've found that hand stitching in the right amount is actually helpful. You just have to go do something else for awhile when your hands start hurting too much and then come back to it after a few minutes. That's not always easy to do, but in the end you get on with it faster that way than by trying to work through the pain.


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I have to take plenty of pain meds to be able to do most things lately...usually I can tool or stitch for about an hour after I take some meds.

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