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I'm in the process of taking up Single Action shooting, and the two revolvers I bought came with a single Buscadero-style holster, made by Hunter. I wanted a crossdraw holster to go with it, but could not find exactly what I wanted (I'll spare you the details of the hours wasted searching!!). So I thought "I wonder what's involved in making one?". Lots of reading and watching of youtube videos (thanks, Nigel A, for the excellent stitching videos you made), and the result was a quite acceptable crossdraw holster.

Only problem was that I soon realised it wasn't going to work too well with the existing belt/holster - so the obvious solution was to make another holster and a suitable belt.

End result below. Please bear in mind that this is the first bit of "real" leatherwork I've done, so there's mistakes (if you know where to look :) ). The revolvers are Uberti 1875's with 7 1/2" barrels.

Did I mention it was fun?



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That rig looks great for a first attempt. Nice job.

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Very nice work.

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Looks very good.

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Welcome to SASS and one of the best hobbies around!

Gear looks good from here. Congrats on a job well done!

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Red Bear - "one of the best hobbies"? Do you mean SASS or leatherwork? (I'm inclined to think both :cheers: ).

I'd forgotten how hard stitching is on the fingers (as a young bloke I spent a lot of time lacing telecommunications cables with waxed twine), but even though it was a tedious business I really enjoyed doing the hand stitching on this rig. You'll notice no carving/stamping/conchos, as I reckon plain looks better on holsters (nothing to detract from the quality - or lack thereof - of the work). The back of the belt has a stitched "infiniti" pattern, with no bullet loops as I don't need them.

I learnt a lot from making this, and even though I don't need more holsters I'm tempted to make another set, maybe shorter so that the barrels stick out the bottom, and a tapered belt (some refer to the belt as the "Eastwood" style?).

I've been browsing the forum for a while and figured I should join (along with the several gun forums I'm on, amongst others). While I'm only interested in making belts, holsters and maybe the occasional knife sheath, there's lots of good info on here. Although I have been thinking maybe I should make myself a leather vest, just need to find out how!

Cheers all,


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The rig looks great! And I agree with the above..... Both SASS and leather work are the best hobbies! Plus it gives you something else to make leather for.... Like you would need an excuse to make something! :)

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This place is filling up with SASS shooters.

Good work., Dikman.

Those 7 1/2"s slow you down a little:)?

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G'day Red cent. At this stage it's not an issue, as we're still in the process of getting our range approved by Firearms Branch to enable us to shoot at metal targets (can't do anything regarding firearms in this country without police approval!). Plus I have to be certified for holster use (I kid you not) which is a minor problem as our range doesn't have any relevant procedures in place for it yet. We will probably have to vary the normal SASS operating procedures to suit our particular range too - but we'll get there eventually.

The longer barrels may be an issue for fast-draw, I guess, but I'll worry about that if it happens. These two revolvers came up at a good price, so I grabbed them, as single action revolvers aren't exactly common here in Oz. I actually really like them as they are different (nearly everyone else seems to get Colt clones) and they look nice with my 1858 cap and ball :) .

And they go Bang when I pull the trigger!

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Cool man! Good luck with the range. The '85 Outlaws are cool.

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Just stumbled on this old thread and I agree with lots here:

Great first rig and great choice of complimentary hobbies!!

I am also into CAS here in Ontario and make my own leather. Nice to know you are actually involved in your own rig.

How has it been going? Any more newer rigs made?

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G'day plinker, yep, I've made a couple of rigs for fellow club members, a bit more elaborate than mine and for shorter barrelled revolvers. They seem happy with them, but if you see my other thread (McQueen) I'm heading off on a slightly different tangent now and looking at things differently. My long-barrelled revolvers are a slight handicap, so I need to re-consider the holster design (I'm also contemplating removing the front sights so they can't catch on the holster).

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Very nice

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ALERT!! ALERT!! Gimpy old person showing off!!


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Red Cent,

Who did you shoot back then to get the buckle?

Well done old feller!

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