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using peice of glass before carving?

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Deb, the acrylics work just fine...you just have to be careful that they don't get knicked or scratched because then they'll mark your leather.


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Sorry to join this thread so late, but I have been working away for a week - I'm sure I don't have to tell you how nice it is to get home again!I've been using a bevelled glass slicker for some time and have got some excellent results with it. I have never used plexiglass but see no reason why that shouldn't work just as well - although I do like the weight and feel of my bevelled glass version.I use it before tooling bags and belts to get a nice slick surface. It reduces those lumps and bumps that tend make a stain job uneven. I bought mine from a retiring saddler in Ireland and got a detailed list of instructions with it that were written in a very old fashioned way - they were so amusing I kept them for years... Essentially the idea is to use plenty of water to lubricate the surface of the leather - I go one step further these days as I use my casing water which (since our discussion about casing a few months back) now has a healthy shot of leather conditioner that adds a lot to the slippery effect. Having soaked the leather and made sure the surface is nice and soft - about the same sort of soft that would cause an embossing tool to leave a 'dull' impression, if that makes any sense; I work the glass in all directions making sure not to pick up a 'fold' of soft leather as I work. The idea is to smooth and flatten not cause ugly ridges!When the leather is nicely smooth - and you will definitely notice a difference - then leave it a while until it is ready to tool. That is all there is to it but it makes a world of difference to the look of a finished item. The stain is more even and the surface is free of most of the blemishes. It even seems to help get rid of most of those annoying 'greasy' spots that make a stain job patchy. The most noticeable thing is the way embossing and carving looks after a piece of leather has been slicked. It seems sharper and more clearly definined somehow.I'll gladly post a picture of my slicker in action if anyone wants to see it. Just let me find my camera...

Made these today after reading this post. I had salvaged some 7/16 plexi payphone windows to use for windows in a bob house. John
What is a bob house, John? - I'm pretty sure we don't have 'em over here!

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In the winter here, its a "home away from home" for a lot of folks.

It's basically a shed of sorts, that gets dragged out on the lakes or pond to keep warm in while icefishing.

When the lakes freeze, people come from all over the world to fish Lake Winnipesaukee. We have a huge derby, where the whole bay turns into what looks like a small town of bobhouses. I'll post some pics when it happens.

Thanks for the "how to".


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In the winter here, its a "home away from home" for a lot of folks.

It's basically a shed of sorts, that gets dragged out on the lakes or pond to keep warm in while icefishing.

When the lakes freeze, people come from all over the world to fish Lake Winnipesaukee. We have a huge derby, where the whole bay turns into what looks like a small town of bobhouses. I'll post some pics when it happens.

Thanks for the "how to".


I'd like to see that too. I bet the the whole thing is one heck of alot of fun.


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When the lakes freeze, people come from all over the world to fish Lake Winnipesaukee. We have a huge derby, where the whole bay turns into what looks like a small town of bobhouses. I'll post some pics when it happens.


What a brilliant thing to do! I look forward to seeing some pics!

In the 17th century, through to the 19th century, people would hold Frost Fairs on the River Thames in London. Climate change has put a stop to all that! The pic below is 1677.



Edited by celticleather

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In the 17th century, through to the 19th century, people would hold Frost Fairs on the River Thames in London. Climate change has put a stop to all that! The pic below is 1677.

Yeah, I think that's during the "little ice age"..... global climate change, NOT caused by Man.

But, I digress from the topic...... glassing seems to be about the same as tempering, which I have found firms the leather and with drum dyed leather, like W&C chestnut or brown, it darkens the leather and makes my carving flat and lifeless. I try to avoid it as well as excessive smoothing on my fork covers for the same reason. I just don't like the results.

Has anyone else had the same experience with glassing drum dyed leather?

Edited by Go2Tex

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Hide Pounder, You are right about watching the edges. I automatically run my finger down the edge to check for any rough spots, but did not think to mention it in my post. It is a temporary fix until a glass slicker can be obtained. Thanks for catching that! - Deb

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I took a leap of faith based on the posts here and gave it a try. I had cut the leather for a Bible cover and slicked it before tooling. Worked like a charm. Also stained nicely and is much smoother now!!!

I have to say this is the best "I never knew that" tip I've seen in a while.

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I finally got some time to give my two cents worth on this topic... I agree with Go2tex about a slicker firming the leather up too much. I don't have experience with drum dyed leathers but certainly on Hermann Oak skirting leather it is just another example of overworking the leather. I find after slicking that it's extremely difficult to use my push beader, especially around curves, and my swilvel knife doesn't cut anywhere near as smoothly as on non-slicked leather. Larger stamping tools such as flower centers, geometrics, and even shaders don't leave as nice of an impression and I find the final carving to be rather dull in comparison. The actual impression of the tool is only slightly different between slicked and non slicked leather... where I really notice it is the leather around the tool marks. On non-slicked leather, the tool impression causes leather to slightly pop up around the actual impression that causes stems and petals to have a rounder, fuller, more lively appearance to me. With slicked leather, because the leather is so firm the tool doesn't cause the leather around the impression to move very much leaving it flat and dull looking to my eye.

About the only time I slick leather is when it actually performs a function like pulling the stretch out of stirrup leathers or fenders that won't be stamped. In my opinion, basket stamping or floral carving a seat or a fender or skirt will have the same effect on the leather as using a glass slicker, compressing the fibers and making the leather wear harder.


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Well I made a slicker out of a peice plexi glass I found in the shed. I believe i got it smooth enough. I finished it off with 600 grit sand paper. It's pretty smooth. It's 2"x5". It was all I had. Gonna try it out later today on something.





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Well I made a slicker out of a peice plexi glass I found in the shed. I believe i got it smooth enough. I finished it off with 600 grit sand paper. It's pretty smooth. It's 2"x5". It was all I had. Gonna try it out later today on something.



I tried it out and I think it did make the flower on the right cleaner looking. Of course the picture I took dosn't show the true effect of using glass on your project. All I know is that I'm gonna do it on the next project.





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A couple people emailed me asking me what I meant by the leather "popping up" around the tools marks... I was doing a carlos border on a saddle today and tooled a couple of scraps to show the difference I notice. The photos are close ups and show about 2 -3 inches of border. The piece of leather on the left was not slicked and the one on the right was slicked before any stamping was done. As you can see, the tools marks are very similar but the raised portion of the carlos border on the left is slightly rounded or domed while the raised portion of the slicked leather is flat across the top. When I floral carve this is even more noticeable especially on the vines and stems as well as the petals of flowers between shader impressions. I'm not saying one way is right or wrong, only that on my own carving I prefer the roundness of the non-slicked leather.




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I likewise slick away from me.

I had an old Osborne glass slicker that was dropped and unfortunately chipped when we were moving. So I bought a piece of glass, polished it and made a wooden handle out of some lignum vitae in a fashion similar to the Osborne one.

I likewise found that I had less rounding in tooling if I performed the slicking multiple times in the same direction or in a criss-crossed fashion so I only slick one time towards me with a slight overlap of each pass.

With that said I have been known to double slick something that I perform geometric or basketstamping on.

Another thing already mentioned is the lighter leathers and slipping the top layer. You have to be careful of that.



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Hi Greg,

it's never really occurred to me to bevel the inside lines on a carlos border. Is this something commonly done? I'll have to give it a try and check out the difference it makes.


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Hey Darc, your stamping looks so good you don't need to clean it up but I usually have to run a beveler or a push beader down it to get rid of the tool marks left by the serpentine or carlos stamp or just to even it up.

As for the glassing issue, you nailed it. Exactly what I've experienced but I'm beginning to think it's all in the technique and the type of leather. I don't use a piece of glass or plexiglass. I've been using a wood slicker, which by it's nature probably exerts more pressure than the glass. So, I think I'm going to declare this a hung jury...... and get me a piece of glass and try it real lightly and before it dries to the point of burnishing it. Drum dyed leather is another problem itself.

Now, are we talking laminated glass?

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Don't use laminated glass... Use tempered glass if you can find it.



Edited by gtwister09

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Overworking the leather? You say potahto and I say potayto. Whatever works for someone, I guess. However, it reminds me of an interview I saw with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith. Tyler said when they were listening to playback on one of their songs when he heard what sounded like an accordion. He said they needed to add some accordion but Joe said 'why'?

Edited by bustedlifter

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Hi Greg,

it's never really occurred to me to bevel the inside lines on a carlos border. Is this something commonly done? I'll have to give it a try and check out the difference it makes.


Heck Darcy I could be wrong but I always bevel the inside line before I run my carlos tool. Greg

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A couple people emailed me asking me what I meant by the leather "popping up" around the tools marks... I was doing a carlos border on a saddle today and tooled a couple of scraps to show the difference I notice. The photos are close ups and show about 2 -3 inches of border. The piece of leather on the left was not slicked and the one on the right was slicked before any stamping was done. As you can see, the tools marks are very similar but the raised portion of the carlos border on the left is slightly rounded or domed while the raised portion of the slicked leather is flat across the top. When I floral carve this is even more noticeable especially on the vines and stems as well as the petals of flowers between shader impressions. I'm not saying one way is right or wrong, only that on my own carving I prefer the roundness of the non-slicked leather.




Your design looks real cool!!! I've used the slicker I made several times and my preference for it depended on what kind of tooling I was doing. For this kind of stamping, I kind of like the slicked look better. It gives the piece a crisper look. For floral carving, you want a softer, rounder look, and the slicking kind of takes away from that I think. Although, on some pieces of leather I have, slicking is the only way to stiffen the leather up enough to get good results. Of course, I have some cheap leather, too, for practice, since I can't afford the good stuff for everything, especially nowadays!!!

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