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Posted (edited)

I want to use some #8 canvas for some projects. What would be a decent machine, not costing an arm and a leg? I would like to use some #69 thread, and sew mostly 2 layers, but possibly 3.

Any ideas? Thanks guys, Josh

Edited by l2bravo
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Posted (edited)

Sewing canvas with only two or three layers can be difficult. For example, simply sewing a double-fold hem over a semi-flat felled seam is nine layers. Sewing over a flat felled seam would be 12 layers. Doulble-hems at a corner also result in nine-layers but can be mitigated to fewer layers by mitering the corner. Add some webbing, and layers and thickness can increase quickly.

However, a Singer 111W155 I had could easily handle most situations with V-92 thread.

Edited by Tejas
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So if I wanted to wait a bit, and get a "better" machine, would a Consew 206 RB5 be a decent machine? It looks that it will sew light to medium stuff, although I really know just what I have read.

How dependable or heavy built are these? Thanks again for the input guys.

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I do all my canvas work, up to 10 layers 10 oz duck canvas, or 4 layers with some 3-5oz chrome tan, on a well maintained 1910 era White Rotary treadle machine. Old cast iron treadles can often sew quite well with heavier materials. They just are not quite good enough for leather so most here look at them as toys however they are generally pretty capable machines, and can be had for cheap if you look. Only issue is bobbin size is pathetic with bigger thread. It is accurate enough that i can stitch back into the same holes, and double stitch seams which need extra strength. Sometimes, they end up looking like fatter thread, not two threads.

These are done on that machine:(excuse the cat hair, he liked to sleep on my bench when i was gone......)





Don't tell the sewing machine experts this one cause its not supposed to work: I have even run 2 different colour threads top and bottom at the same time. You read it right, 2 thread top, 2 threads bottom. Don't ask me how it made loops and didn't miss stitches, i don't get it....but it worked. I just wanted to see what would happen.

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My old cast iron Singer sewing machines from the early 1900s can sew canvas with #69 thread. They all are portables with motors on the back than be be swapped out if necessary. The baddest of them all is a 1902 model 27, which has a bullet type shuttle.

Any upholstery grade walking foot machine will do an excellent job of sewing canvas, duck cloth, vinyl, denim and leather. I used to have a National 300N walking foot machine that could sew 3 to the inch, with #138 thread, into more than 3/8 inch stacks of stuff. It was much like the modern Consew 206RB-5, with a stitch length rotary dial and a large push down reverse lever. My only problem with it was the body was too short for the work I was taking in. I now use a long body Singer 139 to sew things that are wide and need to be spun around a lot.

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Posted (edited)

... would a Consew 206 RB5 be a decent machine?

I've used a Consew 206 RB5 for boat canvas, and it could handle the layering described in my earlier comment with V-92 thread. I believe the RB5 is made in China. I think I actually preferred the circa 1950s Singer 111W155, even though it had no reverse and setting the stitch-length was a bit of a hassle.

Edited by Tejas
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A consew 206rb would be great for canvas. I


Often the machine itself is cheap, but if it's not local the shipping may be an arm and a leg. We really need to know where you're located at (Tennessee, Tasmania, or Tanzania?) to give more meaningful answers.

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