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So I was working on this mat, and my initial dye was beautiful -

However, in my zeal to make a good card playing mat that is supple and flexable, I applied some EVOO and it got far... far too dark -

(Sorry for the crummy photo, the phone hates that it's dark.)

I've had luck in the past drawing out dye with water making some nice effects but I can't get this one to lighten up, I'm assuming because of the oil. I don't want to lose the suppleness but the linework is invisible with it being this dark. Any help would be very appreciated. I'd rather not paint this, since I burned in the lines.

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I suspect that you're right about it being the oil rather than the dye and can't help much unfortunately. My only experience attempting to lighten a dyed surface was by wiping the surface with alcohol. The result was, shall I say, less than elegant. :head_hurts_kr:

Hopefully someone will come along with a better idea for us.

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Over the last twenty years or so, I have needed to lighten the color on something a few times, and I can honestly say, I have tried everything you can imagine, without much results. Hopefully there is someone out there that has the "silver bullet" for this. This old dog would like to learn a new trick.


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Everything I've tried has just made it uglier not lighter

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Maybe Oxalic Acid would remove some of the oil and lighten it up a bit?

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I appreciate you guys trying to help. I will have to scrounge up some money to stop in at lowe's for Oxalic acid as it may be my only hope.


Since it has too much oil, try burying it in either cornstarch, or kitty litter, or floor-dry to absorb the oil. Mix it up a couple times a day and see what happens after a week. It may or may not work to reduce the color, but will absorb oil.


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I want to start with a disclaimer, I'm new and don't really know what in talking about yet. Has anyone tried a solution of dish soap to dissipate oil?

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