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Howdy all

so here is my latest belt, finished today a little different for me so what do think, that buckle is not what I want but no luck finding what I am after.








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I like the way the color turned out. Nice job!

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Cool belt Josh. I like that.


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now thats a great belt...

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Nice Job, Josh. I think the stitching looks really good on this!


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Thanks every one I had work up a new belt for a guy that was new for me, but he was happy.


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Nice Job, Josh. I think the stitching looks really good on this!


I agree, the stitching is wonderful. How did you do it?


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I agree, the stitching is wonderful. How did you do it?


Ok so here is the secret and don't get mad because I didn't tell you at the first, ok so it's not a stitch not really I hand sharpened a over stitch wheel then I took a liner paint brush and wet down the groove let it sit then I ran the wheel deep very deep, Let it dry then stained then ran the wheel again on it the I dry raged the black dye then ran the wheel again. So that's it I did not like the stich look on this one so I kind of stamped it in a way.


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Ok so here is the secret and don't get mad because I didn't tell you at the first, ok so it's not a stitch not really I hand sharpened a over stitch wheel then I took a liner paint brush and wet down the groove let it sit then I ran the wheel deep very deep, Let it dry then stained then ran the wheel again on it the I dry raged the black dye then ran the wheel again. So that's it I did not like the stich look on this one so I kind of stamped it in a way.


:) - way to go! I think Billy 2Shews calls that a Taiwanese sewing machine.


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:) - way to go! I think Billy 2Shews calls that a Taiwanese sewing machine.


Whatever you call it it's pretty clever. I thought the stitching was just amazingly even :)


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:) - way to go! I think Billy 2Shews calls that a Taiwanese sewing machine.


That's good to know I had never seen it before I just kind of thought it up you know self thaught is hard, you discover.


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