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Does anybody have any general rules of thumb regarding ride height on IWBs, especially tuckables?

I made a tuckable IWB for my 3 1/2" M1911, and while in general it's satisfactory (aside from the clip attachment), I find I have to be VERY careful regarding belt placement lest it dig into my leg/hip.

The clip on this one is mounted so that the grip rides just above the belt line. It gives me just enough room to properly grip the gun.

I'm thinking that I need to move the clip downward at least somewhat in order to minimize the comfort issues.

Any suggestions?


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I think this is going to depend on where on the belt you're wearing it. I usually carry at about 3:30-4:00 so I don't have much digging issues, appendix carry would present a lot more issues. My IWB (which I did not build) carries at about the same depth you mention with a commander style 1911.


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I usually punch a couple holes so they can adjust it if necessary. Generally speaking, I start with the holster front edge just above the belt line. With forward cant this give a full grip.

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Thanks for the replies.

My previous designs have not allowed for any adjustment. Given that this holster is just for me, I don't have to allow for anybody else's needs. I haven't come up with a clip design that allows for adjustment, but I think I'm definitely going to have to raise the ride height at least somewhat. Of course the clip attachment method I used was unsatisfactory, so that's going to have to change as well.

Work permitting, I'm going to try to get started on another iteration. Fortunately, I lay my patterns out using Corel Draw, so modifications are relatively easy.

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Deanimator, . . . if you go to my website, . . . you can see the holster, . . . where it rides, . . . how high it rides, . . . and how well it conceals as a tuckable IWB.

It is the holster I wear 98% or so of the time, . . . there are a couple others I use occasionally, . . . but "occasionally" is the operative word there.

If you want it to be comfortable in virtually all positions, . . . it has to be flat backed for most people. Now there are some chubby folks out there who have enough of a "cushion" that you could put a Ma Deuce down their pants and it wouldn't bother them, . . . but for most of us, . . . the flat backing is the key for comfort at about any position.

Try looking on the main page: www.dwightsgunleather.com

May God bless,


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I don't think you can "set' a ride height. I mean, 'how high" is like how long is a belt ;) Each his own. I must try this corel draw though.. keep hearing about it. It must be fairly versatile.. pretty sure that's what the guy used to cut the vinyl emblems for our trucks "back when". I had them drawn with adobe, but I remember he re-drew it with his own 'thing' which would work with his cutter.

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Ride height, as JLS stated, is really hard to "set". So many variables - belt width, where you prefer to wear the holster, size of the weapon (the smaller it is the more of PITA it is to build), length of the barrel, degree of cant and so forth. The biggest thing to remember is to be able to get a good, unobstructed grip on the weapon during the draw stroke.

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