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Singer 29K58 not picking up new bobbin thread

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I have been replacing the sewing thread in those tiny bobbins for sometime now. Yesterday, I changed to a slightly larger thread, but one I know is suitable for the machine and which sews perfectly. Tonight, when I renewed the bobbin thread it does not want to pick it up from below, despite many attempts. I am doing it as per the manual and as I have previously done.

Any suggestions?

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What size thread are you using in the top and bobbin?


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Codes on the bottom of the reel are:- 5087 T32 N4067. Can you make any sense out of them? Of course they are Australian codes.

Edited by kidbeey

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this can have several reasons - needle not correct insert, hook tip worn, hook timing, position of the needle holder...

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What brand is the thread your using? Virtually all manufacturers will use one of the generally accepted "standards" for thread designation, here in Oz the Metric (M) is the most common. My first thought, looking at your label, is its Tex 32, but that's a pretty fine thread. Can you give us any more info about what size you think you're using?

I'm curious.....

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On 13 December 2016 at 5:12 PM, Constabulary said:

this can have several reasons - needle not correct insert, hook tip worn, hook timing, position of the needle holder...

I understand what you are saying but the machine was sewing beautifully, why did it change all of a sudden. Hook tip is new and needle is in same position . Why would the timing change? Also the thread is snapping off in the bobbin area. Could you please elaborate.

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I don´t know - this sooner or later simply happens. There is a point in life of a patcher machine (or any other machine) where it needs an adjustment f.i. when the pinions in the gearbox are  are worn. Have you threaded the hook correctly? Maybe you can move the needle hold a bit to the right. Hard to tell from a distance whats wrong.

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1 hour ago, kidbeey said:

Hook tip is new and needle is in same position .



I think, that will be the problem. Slightly different tension in the thread due to irregularities in the bobbin winding and the loop is formed differently. I once had a sewing machine mechanic repair my 29K1 and it took him the biggest part of time to adjust the needle position. He adjusted it by the common rules - no biscuit. He took his reading glasses for a magnified view - no biscuits. With roughly 40 years into the trade he resorted to measuring the distances instead of eyeballing them - no biscuit. He the adjusted the machine best he could, tightened down the setscrew 90 percent and hammered the needleholder in the direction of the hook. Every couple of hits he checked for picking up the loop - no biscuits. He started all over, checking the loop pickup after every single  hit. 15 minutes later the machine was sewing again. Has been sewing fine with all threads since. He said, technically what we just had experienced was impossible and he couldn't explain it.



Ralf C.

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The shuttle hook was not replaced prior to you encountering this problem?  The reason I ask is that I have worked on patchers where a new shuttles has been put in. They were  generic ones and it turn out both of the new shuttles purchased were to big .  The hook would pick the thread off the needle  fine but would then get pinched as it went round the shuttle.   Shuttle to big to let the thread pass around it.


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Thanks so much for your replies. At least I have now found out why the thread was getting broken in the bobbin area; it was a tension thing.

The spindle that holds the thread spool is quite a bit smaller than the inside diameter of the thread spool. Also it was sitting on a small disc of a type of felt. I took that away and put in its place a small leather disc the size of the outside diameter of the thread reel. Before, it seems, the reel was binding and then would pull around quickly and that was the root of my problems. Now I have nice even tension coming off the reel. Think I will turn a piece of timber and slide it over the spindle so that the diameter of the inside of the reel matches the spindle more closely.

Now I need to investigate why I cannot pick up the bottom thread when I fill the bobbin. At the moment I am cheating by pushing the thread up through the needle plate myself.

Shoepatcher, I did buy a new Towa shuttle hook and matching carrier. Previously I have been able to pick up the bobbin thread after I replaced them but now it does not want to pick up the thread, but there is nothing wrong with sewing things. It is just picking up the bobbin thread when I have renewed it.

As Kohlrausch and Constabulary pointed out it maybe a needle placement thing but then again I have not changed the needle position either.

Is there a Youtube video around that shows how the patcher hook operates?

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