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Anyone have a favorite pen for marking the flesh side of leather? I like Zebra ballpoint pens and Uniball Vision Elite, but they aren't showing up that well on the dark flesh side of some dark latigo I'm currently working on. I could use a good silver or gold gel pen.


  • Ambassador

ED i dont put ink in the leather i use an awl.

ED i dont put ink in the leather i use an awl.

Hi Luke,

I use a scratch awl on the grain side, but I need to use ink on the flesh side to line up certain elements properly. It all gets covered up with lining.


  • Moderator

Have you tried a carpenters pencil? Many of the old timers are shuddering at ink on the back of anything, whether a lining will cover it or not.



You can find gold and silver gel pens in the scrapbooking section of the craft store. Sharpie makes a silver pen, too, though it might be too thick.


Im a big fan of the sharpie fine tip pens they make, Im not sure if they come in silver or not but may be worth looking for.

  • Members

I've heard guys say..."never use a pen to mark leather" but I've never heard why...

  • Members

I use the thicker silver Sharpie on dark leathers.

Usually I have a poster board template and just tracing around that one. When I start cuting I cut just at the edge of the silver (inside edge) this way there will be no penmarks at all on the piece I'll use.

  • Moderator


I can usually scratch out a line with a stylus distinct enough to follow on dark leather. Plan "B" - I have some sort of a pencil looking thing I got in the end of the aisle in a fabric store. It has no markings or name, but leaves a light color chalky line that just brushes away.


I can usually scratch out a line with a stylus distinct enough to follow on dark leather. Plan "B" - I have some sort of a pencil looking thing I got in the end of the aisle in a fabric store. It has no markings or name, but leaves a light color chalky line that just brushes away.

This is only a problem with dark colored flesh sides, which I don't use too much of. I've tried wax pencils and squares as well as chalk pencils and squares. At least on this latigo, the marks aren't distinct enough. I risk running into problems if my markings are off in either direction more than two mm, which is why I need a thin line for my markings.

The wax and chalk pencils are good for prepping dark colored pockets.

I found what appeared to be a good deal for Bic gold and silver metallic gel pens on ebay, .8mm points and bought a few.

Thanks for all the input.



Last spring in at the Sheridan leather show. While shopping in Sheridan leather outfitters, I found a silver ball point pen. Brought two home and love em'.... I use them on skirting mostly, if you have to move a line, you can rub it out with an eraser or a damp cloth washes it away.. leaving no sign at or traces at all... a pencil lines does erase, but leaves a mark.

It works for me just fine...

  • Moderator

Hi Ed,

If I am using my usual dye, which is a red/brown mix, I use a Red roller tip pen which is completely covered by the dye. For anything else, I just use a divider or scratch awl to mark.


Anyone have a favorite pen for marking the flesh side of leather? I like Zebra ballpoint pens and Uniball Vision Elite, but they aren't showing up that well on the dark flesh side of some dark latigo I'm currently working on. I could use a good silver or gold gel pen.



I like to use a china marker. I have a white, black and red so I can get contrast on just about anything. They won't harm the leather since they are just colored wax. Cheap too.


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