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Looking for this brass closure hardware

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I've been looking all over for this brass closure hardware and can't seem to find it. It is the closure that is pictured on the wallet lanyard.


Screen Shot 2017-02-06 at 9.47.17 AM.png

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Funny you show that picture, I would like to know where to find the hooks like that. I have found them at only 1 source and they had very poor reviews. 

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I saw that hook the other day somewhere. Maybe Springfield leather?

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Bestest I can do for you;


But if you go to a quality DiY store which carries decorative brass chain you may find them there cheaper.

They are similar to Gyves* for attaching chain to chain or to hardpoints

* aka D shackles, a similar but more O shaped version is a Bow shackle.

Available in stainless steel, painted steel and brass


Edited by fredk

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I too just came across this type of closure and here's where I saw it:




EDIT:  I thought you meant the one in the back,  It's kind of hard to see the one in the front, but it looks like a shackle.   https://www.buckleguy.com/search.php?search_query=""shackle""&squery="shakle"

EDIT 2:  Check out the full assembly on this one....pricey however  https://www.etsy.com/listing/236656990/solid-brass-hook-fish-key-chain-polish?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=shackle leather&ref=sr_gallery_42


Edited by cseeger

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Thanks for the reply, i saw those once before.  I was hoping to find some with a solid ring.   If I don't find any I may give those a try

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I would shoot Buckleguy an email or phone call and see what he can do for ya. They may be available.

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Thanks for the replies y'all! I am not looking for the shackle or the fish hook. I've gotten those from buckle guy. What I am specifically looking for is the brass "sleeve" closure.


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Hahaha   It's like Keystone Cops, but I was working my way to it.  :-)   I'd say that is a ferrule.  http://www.ebay.com/itm/100pcs-M2x35mm-Hollow-Pillar-Column-Ferrule-Cylinder-Brass-Standoff-Spacer/231340040389?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D41376%26meid%3D041c8bc919cf4d20990e72347e6880a6%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D6%26mehot%3Dlo%26sd%3D311101564197


But searching on ferrule is pretty useless since it's  a generic term .  Maybe lanyard ferrule>  Heck you could make that yourself pretty easily

But MadMax is right.   YOu're better off sending g Buckle Guy or Rusty at Springfield, somebody who knows the names of such do dads.  Searching is easy when you know the right terms.   Kinda like looking up how to spell a word in a dictionary.  You have to know how to spell it to find it.  :-)   

Edited by cseeger

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Yeah it looks like a riveted ferrule but I would have no idea where to find them at, pretty easy to make but somewhat time consuming as compared to buying a bunch of them ready to go. 


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