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What am I doing wrong (6 strand around a core)

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So I can 4 strand around a core no problem but the moment I go to 6 strands it all goes to hell.  My front side looks awesome and tight but my backside looks horrific.


I'm a total rookie and I haven't been able to search out any answers so I'd appreciate any help you can offer.





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Your core is to wide for the width of your strands.

Try one without a core and then one with a thin core, say one thong. Then a three braid core.


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I agree with MadHatter, core is too big to cover with six strands that width. If your definitely wanting to cover that size core it looks like 8 strands would probably do it & you could go to an o/u 2.

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@venator, I used paracord as a core on the leash below, with 6 strands of ~5mm roo lace, and it seemed to go ok...


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Thanks folks I appreciate the advice.  I did this last week with a four strand around  a core and it turned out fairly well.



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They are right about the core being too large in diameter for the width of the lace strands you are using. To get an idea of core sizes to use I took 1/4' wide cow lace and did a 4 strand plait without a core. Then over that 4 strand I did a 6 strand plait using the same size lace and to see how laid, then I took some 3/16' lace and did an 8 plait over the 6 to see how it fit and also 1/4 lace in an 8 plait over the 6 to see how that fit too. I try not to use rope or anything like that as a core when braiding leather. when doing leather or other materials my cores are braided from the materials that I am using for that project. You will learn as you get more practice just what size core works for what. With braiding it all comes down to a lot of time with multiple strands in your hand. I braid a lot of 8,10,12 and 16 plait braids. Your get back biker whip looks very good. Good luck and just keep with it.

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