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Hi everybody, I was always looking for perfect wallet but couldnot find it so I made one for myself, i like idea of minimalistic wallets but I dont like how is everything jam in smallest posible place so I came up with idea of medium size minimalist.



Edited by Bolanca

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Nice looking. Have you considered burnishing the edges?

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That is a cool wallet right there.

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I really like that it's a smilar way of thinking to what I halved planned for my first wallet project. 

Very efficient use of space! 

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Nicely done!


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On 12. 05. 2017. at 5:45 PM, AZNightwolf said:

Nice looking. Have you considered burnishing the edges?

The upper photo is first prototype I try,and leather was from some old jacket and wery soft so I didn't burnish edges ,on other photo leather is vegetable and edges are burnish , but that is my least favorite part of proces I must addmite.



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