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Hi everybody, 

I have been lurking on here a lot and have read a few things on braiding, and watched some videos. I think I have the gist of it down and was able to make a small round 4 plait braid bracelet. 

I figured this would be the right place for this. Im trying to put together a 6 strand diamond weave pattern on a wooden core. 

The dowel with a bolster is 1" in diameter, and the strips I'm using are about .5" give or take. 

So I have two main questions regarding this. How do I start the braid? Does it make a difference if the material is a vinyl like material?

I have tried laying the strips down on a piece of tape at a 45 degree angle, then attaching to the handle, but that didn't work well. 

I tried laying them on the handle halved and starting the braid that way, but they never lined up right. I was kind of hoping to do it with this material for practice before I buy more leather to mess up on. 

Thanks for your input. :)

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Durn near everything you need to know can be found in Bruce Grant's book, Leather Braiding. 

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hi..and welcome to braiding.  i agree with cowboycolonel...i learned an awful lot from bruce grants books a must for your braiding library. 

now as to your question i suggest you tape them or use rubber bands to keep them attached to top but no need to be at angle to start just attach them to top of core.  then start your braid..at first it will look a little odd as it wont fill in completely all the way around in first couple passes but if you are braiding in correct sequence then it will start to look right.  nice thing about it is easy undo and start over if needed.  as to materials, you can braid with anything. i have even braided with bailing twine. 

hope that helps

  • 3 weeks later...
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How to make whips by Ron Edwards will give you great insight into plaiting handles. I've used it a lot for doing different patterns around a wooden, fiberglass or steel core rods. I generally use contact cement to hold my strands on the wood while I do a wax sinew wrap around the stands to really hold them in place. I will also use small carpet tacks to hold each strand to the wood also. Bruce Grants Books are good but sometimes a pain to decipher the diagrams. If you want to learn more braiding  go to ubraidit.com and order their Book; How to Braid Quality Custom Tack. They teach with paracord but it can all be done with leather also. Hope this helps.

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16 hours ago, Squirrelly66 said:

How to make whips by Ron Edwards will give you great insight into plaiting handles. I've used it a lot for doing different patterns around a wooden, fiberglass or steel core rods. I generally use contact cement to hold my strands on the wood while I do a wax sinew wrap around the stands to really hold them in place. I will also use small carpet tacks to hold each strand to the wood also. Bruce Grants Books are good but sometimes a pain to decipher the diagrams. If you want to learn more braiding  go to ubraidit.com and order their Book; How to Braid Quality Custom Tack. They teach with paracord but it can all be done with leather also. Hope this helps.

So I'm not the only one that the diagrams are confusing then? Lol I got Bruce Grants books but the diagrams make as much sense to me as a wiring schematic. Which is none.

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Tom Hall Books are awesome. All are illustrated drawings.

Can be purchased at Ubraidit....

  • 3 weeks later...
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I'm a little late for this question, but I do it this way. I'm guessing you are using a round stick.

1. Find the half way position on your stick.

2.  Find half of you lace length and tie to your stick at its half way.

3. Pick a side and start braiding.

4 when at the end temporary Tie it off.

5 go to where you have your lace at the half stick. Un tie it.

6. Braid till you get to the end.

7. Decide how you will finish the ends.


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