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Last weekend I made some shearling hose shoes for my mom for xmas so to keep dad from feeling like Tiny Tim, I made him a wallet. As any of y'all into rock and roll know, a few weeks ago we lost Malcolm Young from AC/DC and they are my dad's favorite band. He was pretty sad about it....said "that dude is one of my heroes", so instead of a plain wallet like I was planning, I had the idea to make him an AC/DC wallet.

If anyone can tell me how to get images to post in here I'd appreciate it. It used to work for me but now I always get the size limit error. I'm apologizing in advance for the links.


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Oh yeah, forgot to mention that credit for the design/pattern goes to Guarded Goods. @ducjes 


Edited by battlemunky

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Bah! Stupic pic poster....

Edited by battlemunky

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What are you trying to upload images from ? PC ( windows ? which windows ? , linux? Mac , Phone ( android ? iphone ? )..what can be suggested to get you around the "upload" problem is dependent on what your platform/ operating system is.

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A Chromebook. It used to work and I've posted images here directly before.

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Damn..you have the only device that I do not have any experience on at all ( I don't run macs or iphones, but I can find my way around them ..I have a lot of devices, but only the linux ones are allowed to talk to the web, the android ones are well locked down, and the windows ones are "airgapped" )..and don't wish to have..only suggestion I have is ..what size ( in data ) are the images when you click "image properties" **( if chromebooks have such a dialogue option" ) ..do you have anywhere "shrink for web" or equivalent ?

**I just checked the images in your links above..they are all nearly 4 megabytes each..way way over the size that the boards here will accept..your limit here is around 1.4 meg's total per post ..and to be safe it is best not to try to upload in any one post images that total over 1.25 megs some operating systems "lie" about how big images are..yours are each nearly three times bigger ( in data ) than the total image allowance per post.

Nothing has changed here, re the image data size allowed per post ( since I became a member ) something must have changed on your chromebook..what ? only Google will know what and when and why they changed it.

edit for typo..originally I wrote
"only Google will know what ad when and why they changed it.".. weird huh .

Edited by mikesc

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Cool, good to know. Now I need to try and find the "make crap smaller for the web" button. Thanks!

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Edited by battlemunky

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Resolved! Thanks and sorry for hating on the pic poster thingy, it was my fault the whole time!

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If Dad is a rocker, he'll love that.

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That's cool, Munky. 

I use an Android app called photo resizer. It's free.

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He said he almost cried.

Thanks Mutt, I'm gonna put it on my phone right now.

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