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Singer 107w1 tension release rod

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I have a Singer 107w1 with a tension release plunger that doesn’t work, but I can’t find any information about it anywhere. There’s nothing in the manual, and only a picture and part number in the parts book. I can’t find any diagrams, utube clips, or detailed instructions on how to pull it apart. Indeed, the plunger (looks like a thick steel nail or rod) goes into what seems to be just a hole drilled into solid cast iron. I’ve taken the tension assembly off and the plunger hole doesn’t continue through to the tension assembly side. So how does it work? I’m stumped!

The button goes in at the back when the lifter bar lifts and presses against it, but only comes out again if I lay the machine over on its back. However, even when the button is depressed, pushed into the hole) it doesn’t release the tension discs as it is apparently supposed to. 

Can anyone help me please?




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I don't know this machine or how the mechanism works on this one but normally the tension discs push the rod back when the foot is lowered. Possibly the pin is broken as I would have thought that it must have some way of going right through even if in 2 parts. @Constabulary is normally up on Singers and may know.You may have seen these you tubes but in case not this fellow has loaded a couple that might be of some help.Best of luck


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Check your tension unit there is probably the "tension release piece" missing or it´s rod is broken of or worn. Just a guess...

If it is the tension unit that is causing the problem new tension units are cheap on Ebay


- OR -

Could be that the TU just sticks out a bit too far. Loosen the set screw that holds the TU in place push it with your thumb into the casting and tighten the screw again.




Edited by Constabulary

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Thank you so much!

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Hi Constabulary, yes I think I’ve fixed it thanks to you and Rocky. I’ve purchased two complete tension assembly units over the years (on EBay) using the part number for a complete piece, but the problem remained. I’ve used the information you both provided to determine that I had the wrong part! The little finger on top of each tension unit just isn’t long enough to push back into it’s popped out position the tension release plunger at the back. Hopefully third time lucky; I’ve just ordered another from a different eBay company. The trouble I have here in a somewhat isolated rural area is I must rely on postage - I can never view before I buy. Oftentimes the postage is expensive too, hence the reason I choose eBay. Before I searched on eBay I tried to buy a tension unit from the Uk for $10 but postage was $90! But eBay too can be expensive. Recently I purchased a serger manual - photocopied and sent via email - and was charged $75 for the non-existent postage. I successfully got my money back on that one. 

I truly appreciate the advice I receive here, thank you both so much.

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Mizzy, could you have just replaced the pin inside the machine with a longer one? A nail, piece of fencing wire (old Australian joke, you can fix almost anything with fencing wire :)) or a broken drill bit maybe? Just wondering.

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Hi Dikman, great suggestion, thank you. I’ve considered that but wasn’t sure if a longer one might damage some delicate internal mechanism. I have no diagrams on the plunger setup whatsoever. I’m wary too of altering any part without knowledge of its workings, as I have read some great advice somewhere on here that if you don’t know what a screw does, and by extension, any part really, then don’t touch it. I think it was constabulary or wiz.

The other day my husband had the machine on it’s back (with brackets removed from the back thereby allowing full access to the button) and the damn thing fell out. It wasn’t a little button after all but a rod! I was surprised to discover it was, as you say, just like a nail. 

Over the past few days I realised that the tension set screw just didn’t grasp the tension assembly tight enough, and no screw in the house would substitute. Not even off other machines (I’ve got a graveyard here). So my builder son ground the setscrew to a point and the result is an unmovable tension stud now. I think that was half the problem.

So at this point I’m waiting the 4-6 weeks for a new tension assembly to arrive from China - and hopefully it’s the correct part this time. 


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Since she’s out of action I’ve taken the opportunity to give her a makeover. This is a before shot.


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So, it sounds like the whole tension assembly was moving slightly when that rod was pushed in?

Edited by dikman

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Yes, and therefore the finger part wasn’t contacting the plunger part. 

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I’ve stripped the old plywood top to reveal beautiful grain.


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I gave her a French Polish but it looked like a fake tan, so I tediously removed all the shellac and replaced it with car wax.


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You have been a busy girl! A nicely grained piece of wood is always pleasing to look at.

So, one down and 19 to go......;).

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14 minutes ago, Mizzy said:

I gave her a French Polish but it looked like a fake tan, so I tediously removed all the shellac and replaced it with car wax.


With all this love and attention it's just gotta go well.:lol:

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Hahaha ... I have about 30 Dikman, and yes Rocky, one would hope. 

This old girl is my favourite, I’ve been using her almost exclusively for years now. She does a beautiful zigzag and straight stitch, and she almost punches through tin. Hopefully still does. I’ve just put a Doso DS 28 servo on her and once I figure out how to line the pulleys up I’ll find out.

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That is just beautiful Mizzy. It looks like you have a whole lot more exciting looking machines in the background waiting for their turn as well. :P How bout a wider view shot? I'm on the hook now...............

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This is a few graveyard pieces.



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It won’t let me put any more pics on here at the moment, I may have reached a limit.

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21 minutes ago, Mizzy said:

It won’t let me put any more pics on here at the moment, I may have reached a limit.

WOW ......WOW ....I am in LOVE....What state are you in? I mean not horrified about having a stalker state ...What state of Australia? Was someone in the Singer repair business?

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I'm gobsmacked! I only knew about the 20 you mentioned you got recently, but another 10......

You'll have Constabulary drooling over his keyboard :lol:.

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5 minutes ago, dikman said:

You'll have Constabulary drooling over his keyboard :lol:.

Not just @Constabulary!

I just missed a beauty. I think it was a 107W20 for less than a tank of fuel! Oh well, the search goes on.

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 I already had several industrials plus about that many old Singer domestics going back to 1899 when I found the new lot. The seller was taking them all to the dump, I had to buy them.

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