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Looking to buy a basket weave tool that's larger than the standard Tandy size but not silly money


I would contact Sergey Neskromniy. You can find him on Facebook and I believe he has a store on Etsy also, not sure about Etsy as I've always dealt with him through Facebook. His work is outstanding and affordable. If he doesn't already make what your looking for he can make it.

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I recently took shipment for a .375 x .750 basket weave stamp of excellent quality, made from stainless steel, with a large comfortable handle. It was made by Barry King. It makes a wonderful impression and has my initial engraved into its face. It was about $80 with shipping. My stamp is about  .125 wider and .250 longer than the normal basket stamp. It cuts my impressions by 25% and still keeps things in perspective.  

When I asked about the available sizes, the machinist I was directed to speak with told me they had made some in the  .750 x 1.500 inches size. Mr Kings reputation for customer service and dedication to quality is the stuff of legend. 

www.barrykingtools.com will put you in touch in with them in one form or the other.

Go well.      

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Afraid Barry King is far outside my financial comfort zone. More for the professionals who can recover the costs with selling better looking gear

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What size are you looking? I got a  1cm x 1cm Bw stamp from this ebay seller


BiN; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/013-19-Quadratic-Basket-Handmade-Brass-Leather-Stamp-collectibiles/132707077572?hash=item1ee5f54dc4:g:V5UAAOSwwbdWQhwn

Good quality, it arrived in about 4 days from him.

This design is so simple one could cut it with a dremel type drill and a file

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Many thanks some great stamps

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