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Here are numbers 3 & 4 of the clocks I've made for Christmas orders. Going to try one with a geometric design next.



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Those are very nice clocks. Nice work. I have just been thinking of try to do some clocks, maybe this is the inspiration that I need.

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Rohn, Thanks. I use 7-8 oz. leather, 1/4" smooth plywood and get the clocks from Amazon, Mudder brand. The top one I used letter stamps and then backgrounded inside of them. On the second one I used letters I drew, cut and backgrounded. Use contact cement to fix the leather to the plywood. Precaution note; cut, punch and tool your leather first, then use it as a template to mark your wood for cutting. Put an index mark on the back of the leather and top of the wood to use when you glue them together. Cut the wood a little proud and then sand to even them out, round over the leather edge, burnish and edge dye both to finish. I learned all that from the first one. Just some helpful tips. Good luck, Tom

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Thanks so much for the tips, Tom. I copied them to my leather documents for future reference. I probably won't be getting to do any of this until after all the holidays but hopefully soon I will give it a try.

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Northmount, yes they did. I found a font in Word that I liked and printed out, then traced, cut and stamped the background into them. But you're right, they do look better I think.

Rohn, you're welcome

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Very beautiful work for sure.

Hobby Lobby near me sells lots of clock kits and I have been thinking about making one with leather.

Thanks for the ideas.


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