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Other uses for a Carr press.

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Having recently acquired 3 Carr presses (for snaps, rivets etc) I thought they must be useful for something else.

I made an adapter for alphabet stamps. The shaft that fits into the socket on the stamps has a supermagnet glued to the end and a small washer was glued into the bottom of the shaft on each stamp (because they're non-magnet). The magnet is just strong enough to stop the stamp from falling off. A short piece of bar fits over the base to press against.


My sewing machines are limited to 3/8" thick leather (although one can just get through 1/2") and the last time I tried sewing a welt on a holster I had all sorts of trouble getting an awl through. In amongst all the gear I recently got was an awl needle, obviously meant to be pushed into a handle. I made an adapter to hold the needle and glued it in with JBWeld, then made an adapter plate for the bottom of the press. I had to modify the cam action of the handle a little to get the maximum travel I could, which is 3/4". It goes through that thickness with no effort at all. If I can figure out how to make a new handle with a better designed camming action, I will then be able to get 1".


Press awl 2a.jpg

Press awl 1a.jpg

Press awl 3a.jpg

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A cheap Arbor press would give you far  more air gap, and can have a hole drilled through the center to take shafts and held in place by a grub screw, About £40 in Uk for the 1/2 ton model


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Already thought of that but there's no such thing as a "cheap arbor press" here in Oz!

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Nice job. I reckon you could take 1/4" off the top of the base with an angle grinder pretty quick. I have shaved the sides of mine at times in order to get jobs in closer and the cast is pretty easy grinding. That would give you a little more clearance under on boxed or tubular jobs as well. You would need some right size packing washers to get back the 1/4" for some dies though.

Edited by RockyAussie
forgot something

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The limiting factor is the travel of the piston. It's going to require a re-design to get more travel. I'm working on it.

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