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Off to college gift of a chrome book thing and a Dad made road side couch hide padded carrier. He his happier about these than going back to school...




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Great gift idea and even better being able to up-cycle some roadside leather. Looks great to boot!

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Thanks BM. I have a lot of up-cycled couch hides and lots of plans if I just had time!

This was more on the learning curve of machine sewing and pattern making as well as the whole binding ordeal without a binding attachment.... but everyone is pleased and it was fun to do so that's a win win.

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I picked up an older heavy duty Kenmore in the hopes it would be able to sew leather. It can't. Only out 15 bucks so not a huge loss, plus Mrs. Munky has a second machine now. I wrestle with getting a machine but until its dialed in, it seems like a lesson in frustration with all the different tensions.I'm lucky I like to hand stitch :-)

I'm glad you were able to get some practice in with it and those folded edges look like you had a binder so well done Plink!

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Bravo Plink! looks very well made!

Are the rivets through the case or covered by a lining? Curious if you use speedy rivets or the hammer/roundover ones- Love the look!

Good project!

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Rivets are Ohio Travel Bag flay backed speed rivets and go through all layers

Due to the foam padding between layer the flat back ends up essential recessed so I am not concerned about it scratching anything.

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13 hours ago, battlemunky said:

I'm glad you were able to get some practice in with it and those folded edges look like you had a binder so well done Plink

I glued the binding first so that really helped. I would like to have sewn a little closer to the edge of the binding. I Have a pfaff 335 and may get the binding attachment for it some day.

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Looks good, what type of foam did you use between the layers?


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