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Looking for a denim blue leather

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I'm looking for a similar leather to this, but in a slightly lower weight (around 2-3 mm thick):


Any ideas?  I didn't see anything similar on Rocky Mountain leather....but may have missed something similar.

I plan on making watch straps out of this leather.



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I know Acadia has some really nice blues. You could always split it down yourself. Use some card stock to the desire thickness with a channel between each side and clamp a razor blade to them and feed the strap into it and pull through. There's a YT video out there with it, let me see if I can find it. brb...

Found it:


Edited by battlemunky
found the video

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Acadia has some really nice leather, but a bit more $$ than I want to spend.  I think I'll try the leather I posted and also try to thin it out a bit...  I've seen that and tried it but I didn't have a wide enough skiving knife....  Now I do and looking at that video again, I think I see what I may have done wrong.  I'll definitely practice with an old belt from the thrift store!

Thanks for all the info!  I'll report back.


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Cool beans! If you can, please post pics too. I haven't made a watch strap in several months since I watched that video so I've yet to try it.

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