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A little while back while browsing through leatherworker.net I came across a holster how to video. This particular video appeared as if the instructor/narrator was teaching a class as the video was being shot because questions were asked and answered during the video. The content of this video showed how he sets the stitch margins on a holster different than most other holster makers. Any one know where I might find that video? I’ve tried with no success  

I need to go back and watch it again. Thanks. 

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Did you post anything in the thread?  If so you can find it by looking in 'Content I Posted In', under 'Activity.'

15 hours ago, whistler said:

Any one know where I might find that video?

Try a google search like this "site:leatherworker.net video making holsters" without the quotes.  You can modify the search string "video making holsters" to any parameters you wish.  Google has huge search engines with billions of pages indexed.  Faster and better searches than LW can do.


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Northmount, I tried doing the google search a couple different ways and did find it. Thanks

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