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I make things in leather simply because I love to work with it and the leather is a nice canvas to work with as an creative outlet for someone that can't paint or make drawings and more importantly it's a real pleasure to do things for other people.

What I don't like is to push lot of money into display items (own portfolio) if it's something that is not in high demand from myself simply because it's hard to get the money back so whenever someone comes up to me with an idea for something new I reply, -Yeah, I can probably do it so I'll give it a try. I ca'nt guarantee the outcome but keep a lower price just for you.

The real reason for the lower price is of course that I don't have any expenses for developing a new product and maybe some useful templates for future products, experience and last but not least a small "profit". The profit most times get spent on new leathers and tools but when I took a break from leatherwork a few years ago I could pull some nice money out it for whater use I felt spending on.

Now that I'm back in doing leathers I have had to spend some serious money from the pocket to get some stuff needed to take my work to I higher level wich also have meant been doing some display items so my work account is way on minus right now and I have some serious costs to cover this summer so the timing is really bad, but I just can't stop myself in doing this, it's way addictive and all I wish

for is more "shoptime" and have a balance in the shop account.

Soo..all of this leads us into today when a friend payed a visit with a special request

It's been a long dream of mine to make a fishingrod tube but for costreasons mentioned above I never gotten around to make one.

My friend knows about this and is now taking the step into fullblown hardcore flyfishing fanatic so He wanted to have not one but two rod tubes.

I answered as previous mentioned and then we discussed how it will be built up and graphic themes and such.

I have 2 1/2 month to build them and he will pay for the materials as well as being a part of selecting them, wich means i get to shop around a bit with a privat taxi driver. How great isn't that!

They will be built around a plastic innertube and the leather will be like a sleeve going over. The sleeve will be a bit oversized since we're gonna use a sheet of foampadding between the plastic and the sleeve , mainly beacuse that way I can adjust the fit by choosing from different thicknesses of the padding but also because this way the leather becomes less sensitive to indents and buckles when loading in and out of cars and such. There will also be a carrying handle on the side.

The sleeve will be 1/8" leather that rolls around and get's laced together with that nice little MEXICAN BASKETWAVE lacing (estimated time for that alone is about 15 hours).

I won't get into the bottom or the lid but I can tell you they will be kept fairly simple.

They're gonna get his name tooled down and we're thinking maybe some decorative carving aswell to keep costs down a bit.

So by know, if anyone still is reading, you're probably wondering why I'm writing all this down and that's just because

I'm just really happy right now :thumbsup:

because it's for a loved friend, a long desired project, getting payed what I ask for without questioning (it'll be friend price off course), I get new stuff out on real life display and get those precious templates for making more of them, alot of fun and possibly chewing off a bite of that minus balance in the shop account.

That's about it!



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Happy for ya, Swede. It's nice to be able to do a project that you've been wanting to do. Be sure to post pics when you get 'em done.

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Thanks Grumpy!

We'll be shopping the essentials at the end of the next week and week after that is a hard week at my job so I probably just get the stuff layed out and start tooling and assembly after that hard week at the job. I also need to squeeze in a bikeseat and probably another whisky flask sheeth with deadlines somewhere in may.

Pictures will definetely be posted as I finish off the stuff but probably not while in progress.

I am very afraid to show anything before completion, it often draw bad luck upon me.

Thanks for your support!


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Really Really Happy for you Tom :-)

I know how hard it is to start anything and doing it in a place where hand craft items is not that common or appriciated...Even harder. Build up you portfoilio, have patience (it will take you a few years) and be prepaird to sell for prices in the beginning that only allowes you to sell for getting the material costs back...Patience and presistens will finally get you there:-)

Whishing you all the best of Luck Tom

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Congrats Tom!

The last rod case I saw was selling for around $350. They ain't that easy to pump out, but th experience will make you a thousand percent better leather worker.

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Really Really Happy for you Tom :-)

I know how hard it is to start anything and doing it in a place where hand craft items is not that common or appriciated...Even harder. Build up you portfoilio, have patience (it will take you a few years) and be prepaird to sell for prices in the beginning that only allowes you to sell for getting the material costs back...Patience and presistens will finally get you there:-)

Whishing you all the best of Luck Tom

Tack Tina!

Dalahästar och dryckeskåsor är väl vad som är gångbart här, stentroll också förstås.

Thank you for your good advice and support!


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Congrats Tom!

The last rod case I saw was selling for around $350. They ain't that easy to pump out, but th experience will make you a thousand percent better leather worker.

Thank you RDB!

This is the first time I actually get confirmation that they exist but I had my suspicions off course. Good to get a perception on pricing aswell.

Just hope those two tubes attract attention, this guy has an exstensive network of fishingpartners so hopefully some attention can broght to it. I'll just have to keep my tounge in the mouth an make sure it comes out real nice.

Best regards


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Hej Tom,

Scroll down on the link and you'll find some, maybe getting some hints?


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A little update to what's going on.

Today is material shopping day and hopefully I nail all needed stuff down and I'll try to find a new solution to the finish/sealer problems I'm having.

Tired of the plastic spraystuff but the market here is very limited. I'll just have to press my supplier for a solution that have some resistance to water and looks good.

Plastic innertubes is on the list and thin foampadding that might be useful to adjust fit at final assembly.

Bronze or brass hardware for fittings.

Gotta rush, friends are here!

A quick link for you flyfishin freaks. A guy I know a bit with some reputuation I think.

Mr. Hard Classic fly tying at master level.



Edited by TomSwede

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Slowly the wheels have started rolling. I have to June 1 to make it ready so I don't wanna stress it.

So far I have made one handle with mexican basketweave ready and a sausagehandle wich I've yet to decide wether I can use it or not. The ends looks to ugly and I'm not sure it will fit the finished product at all. We'll see bout that.

Any tip how to finish the ends on such a piece with turned leather and foamtubing for shape inside is greatly appreciated even though I have some ideas.

Working on the plastic innertubes to lighten them up, they are too heavy now. Some drilling holes and sanding and then start cutting the leather that will wrap around.

Gotta shop some lining too and start sewing on that, asap.






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Finished one handle and decided to kill the sausage.



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Some more stuff coming together...slowly.

I'll be starting to lace the big piece together tonite so I know what I'll have to do the next few days.

I am a bit worried that it won't fit but I think it 'll be ok. I laced the topcap together and it fits allright on the tube.






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Wow! Beautiful work, Tom. Can hardly wait to see the finished product and I sure love the colors you put on the leather. You'll have to do a tutorial on how you obtain those colors ;)

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Fiebings pro red oil dye, one coat fairly even. 4 oz of Tandy mahogany antique apply on top of red layer veery thick, rub it on rub it in, dry it out, wet rags and goo it around, apply moore, dry, wet rags goo it around, take some off, apply more...let the mind loose...at insanity level. There's really no firm recipe for this, just mix around with above and try to obtain the right look. It's not quite exactly what I was aiming for but really, all I knew was that I'd get a cool result. Just go with the flow girl... (oh and start maybe with a smaller piece of scrapleather first, small sponges, small rags, I used up half a bedsheet with this and had an old baby plastic bathtub with water for the rags. it was messy I can tell ya').

I'm fully loaded with orders right now but will make a ladies purse with this type of finish so I keep in mind about tut. That's is due a couple of weeks from now.

Glad you like it, I have it folded for lacing now, very neat to see and I can carry it around now.

I'll get this one up FAST when done and if it works out ok.


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Very Nice! I am glad that you used the handle with the lacing. I really like the Mexican Basketweave - even though it is a pain to do. Looks like you have that mastered!

Can't wait to see the rest!


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Thanks Crystal!

Yeah, I got an allergic reaction now so my nose is to runny to allow me to lace at the moment so I just hang here awhile and continue later.

Mexican is timeconsuming but quite easy to work with so I'll just have keep it going.

The handle came out nice and really got the rest of the design going. I was stuck for a week trying to figure out the design so with the handle and fittings complete it kinda lent itself.

The sausage handle was for the next tube and most of all a practice in turning leather over a piece of foam. It's totally out of the picture for tubes now.


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Thanks for the info, Tom. I sure will keep my eyes open for your tutorial :)

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nice tom! i can't wait to see this thing finished up. lace away!!

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Thanks Beeza! Gotta sleep some and go to work a few hours also but Tuesday I'm off work so I'll try and give a powerlacingday there, now I just wonder what will happen to crash that plan. Car breaks down, sick children, I get sick or what...tell me Murphy 'cuz I just know you're lurking out there somewhere.


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Tom, I missed the start of this while away.

This looks GREAT, I love the way it's coming along, and the way you've laced just part of the handle. That really adds to the look. I know what your in for with all that edge lacing, slow and steady wins the race. Can't wait to see this finished.


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Thank you Ken!

This one is all about lacing, skipped decorative lacing on the main tube though, didn't want to overdo it.

I'm thinking less is more on this one and I think that maybe the tooling should have been left out aswell but that is customers demand.

One good thing about lacing is that I don't have to do that nasty edge finishing so much. No good with that..yet and it's not something I like really much. Lacing on the other hand is quite addictive and good therapy, lol.


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Thanks for the info on how you dyed it, Tom. I copied it in my tips file and will definitely give it a try.

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Dont get stressed if you get a big fat layer of black oil that is drying up on you, it sits on top and will come loose even the day after. Some black might wanna sink in to the leather when rubbing and that won't come off. You'll have to experiment a little with this to get the feel for it. I'm not all that good with it either but I do think this is a tecnique that will give itself after some dabbling and as always duing leather is very unpredictable.

If you get some interesting results you're welcome to post in this thread in case you don't feel like starting a new one or PM me with the image.

Half of lacing the main tube was done tonite, phew, 4 hours. I watched Alien VS predator and Species meanwhile. I like softmovies when working.


Edited by TomSwede

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:huh: Black oil? I'm confused. You mentioned red oil and mahogany antique. The black comes from...

Softmovies, eh? Not sure I wanna know what you'd call hardmovies! :lol:

Edited by Myriam

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:huh: Black oil? I'm confused. You mentioned red oil and mahogany antique. The black comes from...

Softmovies, eh? Not sure I wanna know what you'd call hardmovies! :lol:

Ha ha I like horrormovies alot but that has to be viewed in my other house wich provides a more suiting atmosphere.

Sorry for confusing you a bit. The antique dyes is two component and black (or very dark) oil is one of the components and mahogany brown the other. The brown will penetrate the leather and the black stays more on top, filling out indents and such when it's wiped off but the way I've done with this case is to get a heavier cote and leave some off the black on top (and some of it rubbed into leather).

Hope I set things straight for you now!


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