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I just got 2 new colours of fiebings antique, light brown and dark brown, and they both look....black? Is there any way to lighten them somehow? I basically now have 3 colours: black, darker black, and very dark black :rolleyes2:

The light brown was also quite runny, not like the thick paste my other colours are. I'm wondering if there is something wrong with it? I mixed it around, but it was still quite liquidy and I could just pour it right out of the bottle. Seemed strange to me

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Maybe the runny one was warm?  I've not had one that thin.  Old ones tend to get almost like clay, so maybe it is just fresh!  I think you will find if you smear some on a scrap piece of leather, they will give you different results.  If you really feel the need to dilute, you can buy the neutral antique and mix it in.



If you have paste that will pour out, something is wrong. I have never, in 60 years, encountered that. If you just recently purchased, I will bet it was frozen at some point. With all of the cold weather, it is entirely possible.  You can't tell the difference between light and dark brown in the jar. They both look alike.


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They all look black until you smear it on the leather

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Just a question and I'm sorry it it sound dumb! Did you buy antique paste or the new gel Antique by Fiebieng's ? That would explain the liquid consistency

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Thanks for the replies. It is indeed the paste and not the gel. And it would seem like there is something wrong with it, it dried to a greenish colour... very strange.

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