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Happy Leathercrafting Christmas 2021

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G'Day from a very hot Australia . 

Just wishing everyone a very safe, prosperous  and  Happy Christmas and may all of your creative ideas come to fruition in the New Year.  May all of your machines run smooth and your businesses profitable   :) :) Look forward to seeing some 'newbies'  enter the world of leather crafting. 

Right now here in Oz ,its our Summer,  we're experiencing some extreme  high temps atm , weird  weather,  bush fires and cyclones, its 'cyclone season'  for us.  We'll be having 45+ degs for Christmas Day in my part of the world,  about 112-114 for you?

I love beer :cheers:

Peace & God Bless to those that haven't had a good year . Its good to see humanity showing its true colours, neighbors helping neighbors, and strangers helping strangers during a time of crisis  , thats how the world should turn IMO   :)

Take Care   :party26:



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55 minutes ago, Handstitched said:

Just wishing everyone a very safe, prosperous  and  Happy Christmas and may all of your creative ideas come to fruition in the New Year.

Wishing the same to everyone. Enjoy, Relax and Stay Safe.


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i love beer too and Christmas and helping folks and warm weather God Bless to all and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Its cold  here  34 f today , with 60 mph gusts but its going to quit blowing and start snowing today for a very white Christmas day.

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34 and blowing here as well. -1 predicted for Tuesday. Quite the roller coaster. And another vote for beer. :cheers:

Merry Christmas all, and may the New Year be better for us all!

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Hope you all had  a lovely Christmas :party26:

Just doing lots of nothing atm  because its so damn hot outside. No relief until Saturday. 

But the beer is nice :cheers: 

All the best,


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Happy Christ-mass to everyone


6 hours ago, Handstitched said:

. . . 

Just doing lots of nothing atm  because its so damn hot outside. No relief until Saturday. 

But the beer is nice :cheers: 

. . . 

ah, Heat, I think I remember that. Its about 2* C here and a storm blowing which makes it feel colder and heavy lashing rain.  No relief until June '22

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