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care to make some money? I need a tool

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Verlane showed a really nice slicker. It was, I believe, 1/4" plexiglass roughly 4hx6w and a neat pvc handle.

I have NO tools here other than a small dremel and a B&D drill.

Would one of you like to make one for me? I will be glad to pay what you think that it is worth including shipping.

Any takers?????


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I'd call Barry King. His are the best. I think I paid 35 bucks for mine. It's got a "purdy" wood handle and 3/8" thick glass, nicely rounded.

Barry King website

307.672.5657 phone

I don't think his webpage has the slicker listed yet, but just call and ask.

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I'd call Barry King. His are the best. I think I paid 35 bucks for mine. It's got a "purdy" wood handle and 3/8" thick glass, nicely rounded.

Barry King website

307.672.5657 phone

I don't think his webpage has the slicker listed yet, but just call and ask.

What a wonderful group we have here. I just received an email from one of the members who asked for my address and he would make one for free. I insisted on paying/trading but he said that it would be enough to send him the first "slicked" piece that I made- no matter what.

I was thinking this afternoon about how blessed we are- regardless of our origin, financial status, living situation, etc, EVERYONE here is a very special person. Think about it. We have a hobby/profession in the arts. That excludes millions upon millions of people who love creating, designing, working with their hands, using their minds, satisfying an impulse to CREATE!

I have a feeling, (and have witnessed over and over) the care and attitude of the worldwide members here. Someone is sick, needs a hand, needs money, just wants to vent or reach out and in minutes the forum is filled with caring, concerned people FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD.-people whom we will NEVER MEET!

Birthdays, folks passing, children hurt, you name it and we all respond. This is truly a family of like minded artisans and I am so grateful to be a part of and accepted by you.

May God continue to bless all of you and keep you well this Christmas season.....and on.

Pete adams and family.

Edited by pete

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Whaddaya mean never meet?

I plan to track each and every one of you down and talk at you endlessly about sewing machines!

Seriously, I know what you mean. There are a lot of really good people here.



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What a wonderful group we have here. I just received an email from one of the members who asked for my address and he would make one for free. I insisted on paying/trading but he said that it would be enough to send him the first "slicked" piece that I made- no matter what.

I was thinking this afternoon about how blessed we are- regardless of our origin, financial status, living situation, etc, EVERYONE here is a very special person. Think about it. We have a hobby/profession in the arts. That excludes millions upon millions of people who love creating, designing, working with their hands, using their minds, satisfying an impulse to CREATE!

I have a feeling, (and have witnessed over and over) the care and attitude of the worldwide members here. Someone is sick, needs a hand, needs money, just wants to vent or reach out and in minutes the forum is filled with caring, concerned people FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD.-people whom we will NEVER MEET!

Birthdays, folks passing, children hurt, you name it and we all respond. This is truly a family of like minded artisans and I am so grateful to be a part of and accepted by you.

May God continue to bless all of you and keep you well this Christmas season.....and on.

Pete adams and family.

Amen I agree and echo that pete.

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Whaddaya mean never meet?

My thoughts exactly. We've all met each other here. Though we may be thousands of miles apart, it is here that we gather as a family of friends.

Ya know, I've NEVER EVER logged onto this forum and been the only member. It doesn't matter what time or day it is, there's always someone here.

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I absolutely agree about the great community of leatherworkers here. So many people have encourage me and helped me improve over the past few months. As I learn more and more, I hope to have the opportunity to return those gestures to others who follow.

Edited by bob21804

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Hey, Pete, . . . don't forget to post up pics of the final product, . . . let us all see your "secret tool".

Seriously though, . . . this is one of my favorite forums, . . . sometimes just get on here and read, . . . kind of like the old high school cafeteria where you could just go sit down, . . . and catch snippets of a half dozen conversations all at the same time.  

Those were fun times many moons ago, . . . but this forum, . . . in it's own way, . . . brings that back to life again.

May God bless,


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