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About elktracks

  • Rank
    Leatherwork Instructor
  • Birthday 11/28/1955

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  • Leatherwork Specialty

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  1. The skull is embossed and elevated out of the oval. It is a little hard to explain. I've been asked to do something like this in a class and will probably be offering something soon. It will be a Texas focused theme but will have all of the same elements. It will probably be more of a course with several focused classes.
  2. Here is a project that I recently finished. Some of you may have followed its construction on Facebook. I wanted to post the finished piece here for others to see. I was asked by some friends to share what happened with this leather carving. This carving has found a home in Montana. It raised $4250.00 for the Great Falls Symphony Association at their Black Tie and Blue Jeans event on March 8th. The money that was raised goes toward their Education and Outreach Programs. This piece of art generated more activity and funds than any of the other items offered that evening. You can find out a bit more about what went into piece and why it is titled "Heart of Montana" by visiting http://elktracks.net/shop/print You can also get information on the prints that are now available.
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.......

  4. The new site looks awesome.

  5. Karl, Very nice job!! Jim L.
  6. Vikti, You are probably going to get as many different answers to your question as there are responses. You will surely not get a consensus because everyone has their favorite. For me that would be a 1/4" or 3/8" straight blade and I can give you all kinds of reasons why, but that still only makes it the best blade for me. I have seen Bill Gomer take his favorite blade, which is a 1/4" angle ceramic, and do some of the most awesome work anyone could hope to do. I once watched an old saddlemaker use a 1/2" home made knife and do incredibly fine, detailed work with it. Bob Brown, who did work for such Hollywood stars as Roy Rogers and John Wayne, used a sharpened screwdriver to carve with and could make a very compelling argument as to why that was best. The real secret to doing better decorative cuts is not in the swivel knife blade, but in the hand holding it. The reason those mentioned above were and are so accomplished is because of the many hours they have spent perfecting their skill. Choose the knife and blade that you like the best and then put some miles on it. If someone had kept track of how many miles of swivel knife cuts some of these people had put in leather, you would know why their decorative cuts are so beautiful. In other words, practice, practice, practice... Jim L.
  7. Tom, Congratulations on the interview with Alf. He is a very interesting fellow with a heart for telling others about the craft. I was interviewed by him a few years ago while visiting Norway. He spent a day with us during the workshop I was teaching. Jim Linnell
  8. Hello Ray, I attend most of the leather shows as both an instructor and a vendor. I think it would be great to organze a leather show in England. I will be at the Tandy Leather Factory store in Northampton on May 1-3. If you have time to stop by, I would be glad to visit with you about what makes a good show from the perspective of a vendor, instructor, and an avid leather worker. Jim Linnell
  9. Tandy is NOT getting rid of the free patterns online. As was noted on this board, Tandy Leather Factory recently did a major overhaul of their web site. The comments we have gotten from making our web site more user friendly have been overwhelmingly positive. In the course of making that transition, the free patterns did not migrate over. This is being addressed and all of those patterns will eventually be available on the web site again for free. Please have patience and please don't jump to conclusions. Jim Linnell
  10. Ok Kathy, I get the hint I'll see what I can come up with. As far as more demos and workshops, be sure and watch the calendar. I'll try to do a better job this year of keeping it up to date with my travels. A flyer was created today about some workshops I'm involved with in Arizona. If anyone is in the area, I'd love to see you whether you're in the workshops or not. Jim L.
  11. elktracks

    Tiny feathers

    Tom, Those are some very nicely done feathers. Great job! Jim
  12. The elk population in New Mexico decreased by one while I was there. It's in my freezer now. Jim
  13. Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. I would have responded sooner, but I've been chasing elk around the high country of New Mexico and just got home. There are few things that can compete with my passion for leatherworking except for elk hunting each fall. Jim
  14. Tom, Great job on the feather! When I have done black feathers, I have used a product I get at an art supply store called interference blue. It is a powder that when mixed with an acrylic finish like Satin Shene and painted over your black feather, gives it that hint of blue, just like a real raven's feather does when caught in the right light. If you have access to such a thing, give it a try. I'll bet you'll like what it does. Jim L.
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