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About HDL

  • Birthday April 1

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    Stansbury Park, Utah
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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Gun Leather
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  1. You build holsters, protect the weapons from snap scratching your weapons. WWW.highdesertleather.com on the DIY page
  2. If you need thumb break snap protectors for your line 24 snaps check out. www.highdesertleather.com on the DIY page
  3. If you need small quantities of thumb break parts for your holsters please visit www.highdesertleather.com the DIY page.
  4. highdesertleather.com on the DIY tab
  5. Maverick leather in Oregon has some, also horse.
  6. A buck each may sound high, however I mail them for free. It cost $2.47 to mail a pack of ten. Thats postage and a padded evenlope. So there are costs involved. If some wants to pay shipping I can lower the price. Thank you to all of my customers.
  7. I am trying to beat the higher and higher prices on leather finish. Is anyone making their own leather cream type finish that works? If so would you share your formula?
  8. Over the years I have hunted for these parts, and no one would sell them unless I purchased ridiculous quantities. I have now bought ridiculous quantities, and am offering these to fellow craftsmen and women, in small quantity packages. Parts to Choose From: Thumb Break Springs, $10 for a pack of 10 Anti-rub Snap Covers that go on line 24 snaps, $10 for a pack of 10 http://www.highdesertleather.com/product/diy-parts While you are there browse my conceal and carry holsters!
  9. High Desert Leather has thumb break stiffner springs and the plastic caps to protect your gun from the inside snap. They are on the DIY page of www.highdesertleather.com
  10. I also would like the patterns. Thank you in advance
  11. We have a brand new web page the Thumb Break Springs and Snap protectors are listed under the DIY tab at the bottom of the page. Thanks Tim www.highdesertleather.com
  12. www.highdesertleather has a new shipment of snap covers and thumb break spring. They are located on the the do it yourself tab on the website. Holster clips are sold out. Attached Thumbnails
  13. High Desert Leather has snap springs and snap protectors for sale at www.highdesertleather.com click on the DIY tab.
  14. www.highdesertleather has a new shipment of snap covers and thumb break springs for your leather projects. They are listed on the do it your self tab. Holster clips are sold out.
  15. www.highdesertleather has a new shipment of snap covers and thumb break spring. They are located on the the do it yourself tab on the website. Holster clips are sold out.
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