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About zaptoid

  • Birthday 04/24/1965

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  • Location
    Brooklyn Park, MN
  • Interests
    Guitar picking, Holster making and shooting guns.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Concealment type holsters
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  1. Old thread, but for what its worth here are a couple pics of my edges. I do a pre-dye burnish with water, followed by a final Burnish using Gum Tragacanth.
  2. Thanks Jim. Very well put together. You have put some time into this tutorial. I do mostly concealment type holsters and have always wanted to do a cowboy style holster for my Ruger, and this tutorial will help me a bunch. Barry.
  3. Congrats on taking the plunge. You will most likely learn the what and what not to do's on this first holster, thats how it was for me anyways. I haven't ended up with any coasters yet, but, my dog has aquired a couple toys here and there. It will come with each one you do. Good luck.
  4. Happy Holidays all. Heres a pic of my first Holster shipped with my makers stamp. Sorry, pics a bit blurry time for a new camera.
  5. Nicely done. Stitching look good to me as well as the dye job very classy looking.
  6. Wonderful. I always look forward to your posts and this is no exception. Thanks for sharing. I am presently stuck in the conceal type holster box but soon hope to break out with a more traditional western/field type holster and this is inspiring me to do just that.
  7. Looks great. I also like the mahogony dye. I always seem to graviate back to it for some reason. It just has a nice rich look to it.
  8. I started a trucking business out of high school. Got a two year electrical degree at 28 and started my electrical Apprenticeship and now at 44 Im back to school going for a degree in autocad but If I had my choice I would be making holsters. getting to old to be changing careers every decade or so. If you can do what you love that would ideal. Good luck!!!
  9. Thanks Twinoaks. I agree with you on the edges possibly being an issue. I think on the next one maybe going with a more pronounced bevel on the edge with out losing the shape of the mouth support.
  10. Hi all. Its been a while since I posted anything so I thought Id share my latest. This is the third one of a new design I did using a french curve for the shape. This one will also be my first one sold which happened to be at the local gun range last week. Crits welcome and appreciated.
  11. I like the textured look myself but thats just me.
  12. I let it dry out natual like.
  13. I am using tandy for starting out. Im not looking for soft. I am however looking for a little more flexibility.
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