Im a film fan. I took some photography classes in college and reallyprefer it over digital. Yeah yeah I know ,"You can do so much with adigital camera with all the programs and editing...blah blah blah."Using a film camera is just as easy and you can use the SAME programsas you would with a digital. I know for a fact you can get film put ona cd at Walgreens,CVS, and Walmart. Plus I still like having the printsin my hand instead of just seeing it on my pc. At CVS and Walgreens youcan have the film put directly on a cd, if you dont want prints, foronly a few dollars. I have a Nikon FE, a Canon EOS Rebel XSN, and a1957 Zeiss Ikon Contaflex which all take AMAZING pictures and are allfilm cameras AND you can pick one up for under $100. Craigslist is agreat resource for used cameras. I had a nice Minolta digital that Isold to buy the Nikon FE film camera.
Just sayin
Phillip Sims