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Everything posted by dustin29

  1. Thanks Bob, thats a good idea. Its not that important, I was just wandering if it was any good. It cant be that good or you would of heard of it. Ill call Tandy and find out. Thank You.
  2. Has anybody here used a finish called leathercrafters"Top Finish" ? Its a glossy finish put out by Tandy. I inherited it from my grandfather when he passed. Another question I have is how long is this stuff good for? Thank you!
  3. Welcome Steve. You are right this is a very usefull forum with a ton of great information. Youve come to the right place.
  4. Thanks for the input, Luke. I use the Eco Flo Gel Antique and like the results but I dont know any different because thats all I have ever used.
  5. WOW! Very nicely done! I like the design alot.
  6. All I have is Eco Flo Gel Antique. Luke will this work the same as Fiebings?
  7. WOW. That looks awesome. I really like the wood look.
  8. Heres a few pics, after I tried to wash it off twice. I tried to wash it with the Dawn like you said Johanna, but it didnt seem to get it out. Thank you for the idea, it did seem to make it a little less prominent. The spots are reel smooth and seem to make the leather hard textured.
  9. Can I get oxalic acid ad Home Depot? I thought I read that in here recently. I was thinkin of maybe spraying the whole thing with axe so the coloring was at least even.lol Or maybe whoever gets it wont have to worry about there backside smelling.ha ha
  10. An aerosol can of axe deoderant spray was left on my table next to a wallet back I had finished tooling earlier, and when I left the room to for two minutes my 18 month old son climed up on the chair and sprayed the axe on my wallet back. It left a discolored look on the leather, is there any way to fix this problem?
  11. dustin29


    WOW. That is awesome! I dont see how anybody could critique that, it looks life like to me.
  12. The Neat-Lac I have came from Tandy but I dont think they sell it anymore. I looked through the catalog and did not see any. Mine was passed down to me, but not purchased recently.
  13. Thanks Bob, I appreciate you and others spending time to help me with all of my rookie questions. Without your help I would be lost. Thank You very much.
  14. Thanks for the responses, I have a can of Neat-Lac that my grandfather left me when he passed away. It smells awfull but it gives a nice glossy finish. I was not sure if it was ok to use on top of antique gel. Thanks.
  15. Can I put Neat-Lac over a wallet back that I used antique gel on?
  16. That is some cool looking flower centers. Its nice to see some new designs.
  17. I just bought these "Craft Japan" tools E282, and E481 could somebody explain to me what they are used for. The reason I bought them is because they were on sale. I figured "why not", now I just need to Know what they are used for. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You.
  18. Maybe you dont know your own strength, LOL. I bought a couple of the geometric stamps and they leave a very nice crisp impression. I especially like the tri-weave. Talk to ya later.
  19. The ProCrafter's Tools are the Craft Japan Tools. Some that I ordered say "Craft Japan" and some say "HideCrafter Japan".
  20. I just recieved my new Craft Japan tools I ordered from S&D Trading co. They leave a much nicer impression than the craftools that I have. I will definately be replacing my tool collection little by little. I recommend to anybody that has craftools to try these Craft Japan tools.
  21. Yeah I am going to try Springfield next, I have heard great things about them. Most of all Kevin seems to be very helpful.
  22. I ordered some tools from Siegel of California, Inc. They were very nice to deal with and the prices were very fair. I was very satisfied, and will be ordering from them again.
  23. Sorry about not getting you the pics you needed. I didnt happen to see that you had answered me back. I also have the Z998 if you still need a pic PM me.
  24. Item Model# Serial# Price Singer Flatbed 281-164 BA202452 600.00 Shoe Patch Machine 29K-4 G6489305 200.00 Consew Flatbed WlkFt 225WLKLFT WE6905134 500.00 Singer ZigZag 107W35 PA724398 300.00 Singer 51W 51W-30 W145141 400.00 Seiko Post Machine PW-6-3 400.00 Singer Cylander Mach 47W66 W937937 400.00 Juki Combo feed Mach OLD432 K05683 900.00 Mini Rivet Machine style42AA 2999 200.00 Singer Sewing Machine 47W201 W851545 400.00 Singer Sewing Machine 29K60 ED847246 500.00 Fortuna Skiving Machine G 21270 1750.00 Here is the list of machines for sale. If anyone is interested I can give you the sellers info so that you can inquire further. Thank You.
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