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About OdinUK

  • Birthday 09/30/1976

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  • Interests
    Leatherworking, bikes, music festivals, bike rallies, electronics, reading, blacksmithing.

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    All sorts...
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    Anything related to leatherworking
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Leatherworker (3/4)

  1. Very nice tooling and dye job.
  2. Images for round knives https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=round+knife&rlz=1Y3GQQX_enGB535GB535&espv=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sboxchip=Images&sa=X&ei=X8x1VYbQB_CU7QbB_4PwBQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=360&bih=559
  3. Very cool thing to make, or did you slip with the round knife I like it a lot.
  4. Welcome to the forum, Peder!
  5. Thanks for describing that, very interesting. I'd like to make a removeable tank cover with a soft lining, perhaps suede or microfiber cloth to protect a custom paint job when its being used for general use.
  6. How did you manage to tool the formed leather after the wet forming? I'd have guessed the tooling would be done before forming, but then it may stretch.
  7. Thanks Wishful. After tooling, I gave a light application of neatsfoot oil, left it to soak for a week then I painted two coats of satin sheen onto the eagle and left it for a few days. Then I applied Fiebings black antique over the whole area and wiped off the excess and buffed it when dry. Then I lined it, cut the shape and punched the holes. Finally, I finished it in saddle lac and laced it.
  8. Looks great! Very unique.
  9. Ive used the triple loop lacing 'braid', but not really tried the mexican braid for a live project, I plan to as I think it makes any project look more classy. Hope its easy to splice.
  10. Looks great. Is it finished in resolene?
  11. Thanks Rohn.
  12. This is the Manowar Battle Hymns album cover picture that began as a test piece but it turned out ok so I finished it and dedicated to a friend who passed away last year. I'll be giving it to his widow. There are a few things I'll improve on my own patch when I make it and I may try a less glossy finish like super sheen. I used Saddle Lac for this one and although it will offer good protection, its a little shiny. I found it impossible to take good pictures without reflections!
  13. Thanks to Kate I've been using this technique for masking. Here is an example of using liquid latex for masking in various layers to do a paintjob on a leather backpatch I made. It works great. http://www.lordofleather.com/twistedsisterhowto.html
  14. Im not sure the matt finish would take to it after applying the aussie conditioner since it contains bees wax. I would condition the leather with a light application of neetsfoot oil, let it soak in for a few days then colour, then paint and dye it before using a finish. There may be a better way but thats what I would try. Maybe bettet to test on a scrap first.
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