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  • Birthday 04/04/1972

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    So. Cal.

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  2. Very nice....
  3. I would like in as well. I hope my work is good enough. I really like this idea...
  4. the twisting I have had was due to the fact that I needed to put in one more set of braids. at the end its tight and difficult to get it in but after it is the belt smoothed out with alittle work
  5. very nice, I thought about making one my sehf but I dont ues a mouse anymore
  6. Well I come from a Ranch/Rodeo family from the south east courner of Washington and in my Family the ranch trucks only tend to last around 5 years at the most then you trade it off for a newer rig. Now there are some pick-ups that never leave the ranch(grandpas last truck died in feild next to a fence and there it sits to this day) But truly it comes down to what you can aford. I know some ranchers that buy a new truck evey year and some that will only buy new when their old truck is just DEAD.... My self I am no longer on or near the ranch and I still drive a 4x4 extra cab built in 2004 even thought I really dont use the 4x4 I just cant seem to get away from it... Im sure that really didnt help, sorry..
  7. Great work. Im sure who ever gets it will love it...
  8. A wallet I just finshed for my cousin. I love this time of year. So what do you all think?
  9. I cant really help you out too much, Im still learning. But I do know what I have done so far has taken alot of time. Work slow and have fun.
  10. Very nice, you did great
  11. Really nice work..........
  12. I like, but is it more fun to empty the bottles or to make the lamp?
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