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Everything posted by Leatherpownder

  1. It is. I dyed it with rit dye.
  2. 12 plait rawhide necklace with a Shawn Didyoung silver pendant.
  3. Leatherpownder


    I have an Osborne #86 splitter for sale. It is one of the best condition splitters I have found. $300 + shipping.
  4. I have an Osborne #86 splitter for sale. Excellent condition. $300 + shipping.
  5. Leatherpownder


    3/8 Rawhide Bosalita I just finished for an order.
  6. Looks great. Worked with a lot of different braids there.
  7. Bruce I'll see what I have left. Any measurements for the nose button and length?
  8. Thank You. Bruce I'm not apposed to taking orders.
  9. It is at the Eastern Idaho State Fair until next sunday or I would. The inside is just open and lined with pigskin liner. About 3" wide finished.
  10. Just the handles. I used a machine on the rest.
  11. Built a new purse for my wife and added some rawhide accents to the handles. The silver is Shawn Didyoung.
  12. Ya it's usually not a matter of "if" but "when" a guy will get in a wreck if you're messin' with horses. These reins are plenty strong if your horse is ready for the bridle. Hope ya have better luck in the future.
  13. Better leave that one hooked to the wagon if ya got to pull that hard on him. I have rode this type of rein for a long time and never had any issues.
  14. A set of 5/16" sewing machine belt romal reins. I made the romal out of harness leather.
  15. Thank You Joel. I do braid reasonably fast. Habit I guess from working with rawhide. I just braid after work and between honey-doos.
  16. 8 Plait Necklace w/ Shawn Didyoung Pendant.
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