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Everything posted by Leatherpownder

  1. 8 x12 Romal set w/ matching headstall. My pics didn't turn out very well. Sorry.
  2. 12 plait rawhide necklace w/ Shawn Didyoung diamond, gold and silver pendant.
  3. http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/braider1031/slideshow/Two%20Strand%20Ring%20Knot Maybe this will help.
  4. I use one string through a small awl hole.
  5. Thank you. Super glue Buck.
  6. 8 plait rawhide necklace order.
  7. Nice, Ilke the different style.
  8. I cut my own lace starting with a full hide. I use an Australian strander that can be purchased at Tandy leather. Start by trimming the edge of the hide so U have rounded corners and start cutting around the outside. You should be able to cut larger lace this way as long as U have a sharp blade to keep it even. If u want to do more refined work a cutter/beveler would be a good investment. I usually start with a 3/8" string then stretch it and cut the final pass on a string cutter. The last few hide i got were from Tandy when on sale or Sheridan leather.
  9. 3/8" x 12 plait bosal order I finished today.
  10. The fine adjustment works by being able to adjust the depth a little without loosing it all together when the depth ring is let go. Not so critical on large string but does matter a lot on smaller string.
  11. He does sell them, give him a call. He's usually at Hamley's early in the day.
  12. Tim built that cutter and mine. He is a very good braider. His cutter has the fine adjustment that the Hansen doesn't.
  13. Nice gear Brad. Hope u do well at the show.
  14. Good to hear it worked for you. We do need a pic though. I can't take credit for this method because it was taught to me buy Pablo Lozano from Argentina.
  15. Rawhide. Roo is nice though, tend to use roo rawhide for small projects.
  16. 12 plait x 3/8" and 16 plait x 5/8" Bosal bodies. String ready for next order of romals and matching headstall (about 250' of string). This is just for the bodies.
  17. I ship in a 2" thin wall PVC with a screw in cap. U can ship USPS up to 60". I also pad them with one wrap bubble wrap. Fairly cheap to make and I haven't had anything show up damaged.
  18. Just a single ring not under the slide buttons and ring knot tied with two strings through the braid as foundations for the rein buttons.
  19. 8 x 12 60 button romal set.
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