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Everything posted by Leatherpownder

  1. That works for me. Glad to help.
  2. To all, once you get the basic concept of the 2 pass Pineapple almost all other herringbone pattern knots are similar even when tied with mutable strings. Glad it helped.
  3. Used different color to show the passes. Where the lighter color starts is just a continuation of the knot and if you were using a longer string you would continue there as many passes as it takes to fill the knot.
  4. Hope this helps everybody out. Merry Christmas. http://s1010.photobu... Pineapple Knot
  5. It is. The first two passes are of died rawhide and the next two are of natural colored rawhide. Sorry-answering the colored pattern from the first page.
  6. It is four passes but I don't know a tutorial for it sorry. Did you figure out three passes or is it still giving you fits?
  7. That is what I use on rawhide. It helps hold a consistent moisture and allows the braid to be pulled tight. Ivory makes many soaps now, I use the plain Ivory bar soap. And we have changed tool designs and materials used to make those tools. It all depends on what you want to achieve as an end product. You don't have to use the mix I put up but it works for me. When I braid Roo or leather I use Fiebings white saddle soap to condition before I braid. Use what works for U, I am just sharing what works for me.
  8. I'm not smellin' what you're stepping' in. The tail end should meet where the start end is so I go over the start end with the tail end but under three strings of the knot. All the strings should be tight. All there is under this knot is a leather collar and I tie the knot on the collar while it is on a 3/4" x 4" wood dowel.
  9. This is the soap mix I use: I run the bars through a food processor or grate it so it dissolves easier. 1 bar Ivory soap, 1 bar Castile soap, 2 oz. glycerin, 3 1/2 cups water. Heat the water but do not boil and melt in soap. Pour into a rubbermaid container and let cool over night. Keep a lid on the mix so you don't loose the moisture. You do not want to use oil or fat because you will not be able to re-moisten string if needed.
  10. They are correct.
  11. Usually run under at least three strings to finish.
  12. I dye with RIT. That sting is about 1/16".
  13. I will try to post a few picks.
  14. 4 Pass Pineapple Scarf Slide.
  15. Nice gear.
  16. Nice work Santa.
  17. Nice.
  18. Very Nice.
  19. Bryce the rein strings are 7/64", twelve in all. The romal strings are the same 16 in all. Joel these are 42" the norm for use with rein chains. Thanks for the kind comments.
  20. Got some time in this set. The rein is three separate strands (Santa Margarita). Shawn Didyoung silver - cowboyengraving.com.
  21. Classy Mike.
  22. Lace Master would work well for making lace and has a small splitter ideal for lace.
  23. Thank You.
  24. Joe Benner in Hermiston Oregon sells hides.
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