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    a recommendation from a member on a gun forum

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  1. You are probably looking for what is called “blue guns”. You’ll likely need several. For me, I use holster making as an excuse, and income source, but buying more real guns that I also happen to use as molds. I don’t see anybody giggling. Looks like you have some real talent there.
  2. Sorry for the delay. I haven't been here in a while. I'm pretty sure I put Resolene on it. You are correct. The weather is beginning to take it's toll on the dye.
  3. Beautiful knife and sheath. I like that stamp.
  4. I love it! Fantastic job. I don’t think I’ve ever seen leather wood paneling before.
  5. http:// I recently made a couple of minimalist wallets, along with a bifold and tri fold.I thought they didn't turn out too bad.
  6. Looks great to me. I’m also quite fond of the knives. Especially the first one!
  7. Always glad to learn something. Many thanks!
  8. Great looking pair of Mexican Loops. You gonna make a matching belt?
  9. Sorry. Looked like a Ruger in the first pic.
  10. I had forgotten Robert E.Lee was a Ruger fan.
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