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About jackieotb

  • Birthday August 8

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  • Location
    Solon, OH
  • Interests
    My job keeps me hopping, and hopefully keeps me young too :-).
    I'm an avid golfer, mother of two daughters and work hard daily to set a good example for them.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leathercrafting supplier
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  1. Hell Trox. I didn't receive an email from you... I need your customer # and/or address so I can send you a catalog.


    1. Trox


      Hi Jackie, something went wrong with that email, it was left in the outbox. Now it's sent .

      Thank you Jackie,


  2. The $32 shipping rate is coming from selecting a non-U.S. address. Please email me your customer # and I will get this worked out for you. jackie@ohiotravelbag.com
  3. nobody should be receiving a shipping quote for $32 for the catalog. I am having my IT Manager look at it this weekend. We want you to have a catalog in your workshop. Anyone who spent more than $100 in the last two years is receiving a free catalog in the mail. Regardless, I am happy to work with you. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to resolve this. I'll be in touch.
  4. Customers have been receiving their new P216 Parts Catalog this week. OTB is proud to offer an even larger selection of hardware, luggage repair parts, leatherworking supplies and much more. Please provide your feedback. We value our customers and you should know by now "IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU!" A .pdf version of our new catalog is available on our new website or you can order a hard copy one easily at http://www.ohiotravelbag.com. We have the best service and sales team in the business....so call Annie, Sara, Lori, Rebecca, Sandy, Jocelyn, Ray or Lynn today to place your order.
  5. We have six sizes of tubular rivets in gunmetal and two of the bigger sizes in black. Call us 800-800-1941 ext.101
  6. C-2095-GUNM, brand new item, 1 1/2 Heel Bar https://ohiotravelbag.com/products/item/4832d7fb-5eb6-406d-a9e9-e1efb46dcc65/C-2095-GUNM
  7. Hi Art. Country of origin is listed on most items. Thanks Troy. Call us; our call volume is really high, and will pick up as the day progresses. I want you to be able to log in to your account and see your wholesale pricing, etc. We welcome your feedback also. Feel free to call Rebecca, 800-800-1941, ext.101. All my best,
  8. Dinosaurs came and took back their website. I could go on and on....and I welcome your funny comments also :-) Cut me some slack...I now have more grey hair; have had too many sleepless nights; months and months of work; but it has launched...finally, and we couldn't be more excited. PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE. ONCE YOU LOG IN, YOUR WHOLESALE PRICES ARE THERE. NO MORE STUPID PRICE LISTS! RETAIL/MSRP PRICES ARE THERE TOO. IF YOU ARE NOT CURRENTLY A CUSTOMER (WHAT?), YOU CAN REGISTER AND RECEIVE WHOLESALE PRICES RIGHT AWAY, AS LONG AS YOU CAN MEET OUR $30 ORDER MINIMUM EACH TIME. We are having some issues with existing customers logins, so be patient with us. Just give us a call and we will figure it out for you. http://www.ohiotravelbag.com We love our customers and we hope you will love us again now too. All my best, Jackie Loudin OTB
  9. just call us or visit our new website. You can search by base metal, finish, etc. 800-800-1941, https://www.ohiotravelbag.com
  10. so glad you posted this! I'm sure we have what you need, and things you don't know you need yet :-). In our new P216 catalog (found online at www.ohiotravelbag.com), we have 10 pages of clasps, fittings, adornments, etc.for leather jewelry. We have added so many new clasps. I really love the magnetic ones! Also, we should be launching our new website within 24-48 hours. It will be so much easier to shop on our new site.Once you are a registered customer, your wholesale prices will be available to you right there. No more price lists!!! Give me a call if needed. I'm here to help. 440-337-4923 Jackie
  11. We have a selection of Stainless steel buckles on page 199 of our parts catalog. We also have several twist buckles for reversible belts on pages 214-215. We don't have any stainless steel twist buckles, but I hope we have something that will work for your application. Please call Rebecca at 800-800-1941 ext.101 and she can process an order for you or answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you. Happy Holidays.
  12. jackieotb


    We can get these for you. Call Ray at 800-800-1941 ext. 110 or Rebecca at ext. 101. They are ready to place the order for you.
  13. Come on Art, I'm just not feeling the love for "suppliers" Off the top of my head I suggest contacting Miami Leather, 305-266-8328 or I. Samuel & Sons, 724-652-9761. We have long standing relationships with them and I find they are great to work with. All my best,
  14. we don't have a buckle like that, but we do have a variety of other options. From the picture I don't see a way to adjust the size of the belt????????? Please call our Rebecca or Lori at 800-800-1941 and they can work with you to find something special. All my best,
  15. We carry this part; or at least very close to it. It is our item P-2326 and we have plenty of stock, ready to ship. Email me directly for pricing. Look forward to hearing from you! Jackie@ohiotravelbag.com
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