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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. Dragonspit, that sounds good lets see the finished seat, good look. Regards, Steve,
  2. hiya guys,the cross pattern on the steve and von seat is on my harley has been done for 8 years in 1/8" kangeroo lace and has done a lot of miles and still looks good, the secret is the kangeroo lace !! i live in the UK and this seat has been wet and dry more times than newborn babys bum.. hope this helps. Regards, Steve
  3. Mrfixit, i have made many seats held with basket weave and no body has yet found it uncomfortable,if you but the edges together and use 1/4" kangeroo lace it will lay quite flat if you plan to follow the chalk line on your photo, have look on my website there are some examples there www.bigsteves.co.uk look forward to the finished seat. Regards, Steve
  4. Mike, how do i get to the pictures on the constuction where have they been moved to.. Regards, Big Steve.
  5. Redd, check out the tutorials at the top of this section they will help you no end; Rergards, Steve.
  6. Hey Dirtclod, when you get rich you can take Ray and me with you LOL, hey guys thanks for the words, when the customer collected the belt he was over the moon with it, just kept picking it up and touching it and shaking my hand and saying thank you, this went on for about half hour, its things like this that make all the time spent on a project wellworh it , its not always about the money although it helps, the gent gave over the cost of the belt and an order for a wallet to match, he left my shop with a big grin and he was one happy bunny.. Regards, Steve. Ray, forgot to ask did you do the Hogs Head stamp from my tank stap ? would likke to see it when its done..
  7. Hiya Guys n Gals,here is a belt that i made for a customer who had a Ltd Edition belt buckle from this years TT races, the name on the belt "ellan vannin " is a celtic translation to Isle of Man, any commets good or bad most welcome. Regards, Steve.
  8. Hiya guys, i have been given 2 machines a singer 78-3 that i think is complete and working the other is a 211G566 this has the bobbin missing here is a picture can you tell me if anything other than the bobbin is missing, also what is the maximum thicknes of leather these will sew and the maximun thread and needle size, any other advise most welcome, the problems with the 29K are now solved, so a big thanks to all who helped. Regards, Steve.
  9. Hiya, i thought i would add my method, i use 2" plastick box tape clear or brown, then i put 2" double sided tape onto that (just the cheap stuff) and then stick the hole lot onto some card, overkill you may think.. but the card gives you something to hold you design onto pattern onto, when you have done and its totaly dry, peel the card/tape off the leather, not the leatherfrom the card, this as most will know will cause the leather to stretch, when you have done there is no glue on the leather, and no stretch, works for me, Regards, Steve..
  10. Hiya Dirtclod, this is what i have told the guy, and the best way to do it was to change the lid, i was wondering if any one had any ideas about hiding scuffs, thanks for the reply. Regards, Steve.
  11. Hiya guys , had a customer come in today with a Harley Roadking with thhe hard leather covered bags, one has got some scuffing to the surface that has gone through the grain,and into the flesh, does any one know a fix for this damage? if the leather with the same grain pattern was available i could replace the panel, any ideas most welcome. Regards, Steve.
  12. Randy, i will PM you my details, Regards, Steve.
  13. Hiya Poboy, i'm with Spinner good start, there is no way back to a normal life now you are hooked, use this forum its amazing,look forward to your next post. Regards, Steve.
  14. Big Steve


    Amazing work........... and the Knifework i am stuck for words.. Steve.
  15. I would like to thank you all for your help,and experience, the world of the leatherworker is so much better off with this Forum, i thank you all Rgards, Steve..
  16. hey Joker, nice job Dude, what are the fasteners that you used, and where from, looks good like to see the bike when done, Regards, Steve.
  17. Steve, many thanks for your help and for the fast reply. also is there a thread and needle size chart for differant leather thickness that i can download anywhere ? Regards, Steve.
  18. hiya guys, I have this Singer 29K60 machine for about 5 years i have never used it, as i hand stitch everything i make, but there is now a need to machine stitch as hand stitching is not possible due to the cos,t my question is will this machine stitch thin leather 3-4 oz any help most welcome. Regards, Steve.
  19. Hiya Ken, the silhouette is a sax player it a side on view of Patrick, he is a sax player with the Carnival Cruise Line in the USA, the problem with it was that the dye blead out and some detail was lost thanks for taking time to ask, Regards,Steve
  20. Hiya Guys, had to put my older sons ring pad here as well, dont want to upset the apple cart let me know what you think. Regards, Steve.
  21. Hiya guys, i normaly spend my time on the motorcycle section, but today i had a look in the sheriden slot, i found some celtic work in here so i thought i would post this piece i made for my son and his wife, it was used for the page boy to carry the rings on in the wedding service, see what you think any comments good or bad most welcome. Regards, Steve
  22. Hiya Joker, amazin piece of work, this guy will "Ride with Pride" goodun. Regards, Steve.
  23. Nice one David, good to see it on a bike, and thanks for your help, Regards, Steve.
  24. Hiya Spinner, this will look good in black and red, i do a lot of celtic work, trust me it will look good, some time ago i did a seat for a V-Max with a Celtic / Trbal design, mate i kicked and squeeled all the way cos the guy wanted it black and red, when it was done it was amazin, there is a pic on my web site www.bigsteves.co.uk may give you an idea of the finished job, what i did was to do a decorative double stitch around the outside in red, post the finished pics when done, Regards,Steve.
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