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About bison

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  • Birthday June 1

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  • Location
    Oklahoma, and proud of it!
  • Interests
    Photography, hiking, riding, dutch oven cooking, fishing, and leather of course.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Notebooks, portfolios
  • Interested in learning about
    Sheridancarving, saddle making

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  1. I've got a custom order for a 3-ring binder that I need help with.  I usually secure the binding mechanism to the cover using silver screw back conchos. The client does not want anything "flashy" and wants something flat, no decoration at all, and black like the cover leather.  Any thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      I think tin would work.  Personally I would probably use a thin piece of plastic (or styrene) because it would be less flexible and would want to maintain it's flat shape. It won't take much to reinforce that thick of leather.  But tin works just fine on saddles...

    3. bison


      The styrene sounds like a great idea!  Thanks for that.  Then I could rivet the rings through the liner to the styrene and they'd never show through the cover.


      I appreciate the insight.

    4. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      I think that would be a very clean way to do it.

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