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About moeg

  • Birthday 06/25/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Whitehorse, Yukon Territories
  • Interests
    Martial arts, nature, tracking, bushcrafting, leatherwork

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Tooling, knife sheath making
  • Interested in learning about
    everything leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    internet search

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  1. Thanks for the info, that is exactly what I was looking for! Now i've got another hundred possibilities and projects going through my head, hopefully I'll get one or two of them done. Lol. Moe
  2. Hi Solofalcon, great looking work! Where did you find the instructions to do this? I've been wanting to give it a try, but everywhere I look it seems like there's a step missing or it isn't very clear. Moe
  3. moeg

    Warning Points

    Thanks Cheryl
  4. Hi, on the left hand side, and just under my picture, on my posts, it says 0 warning points. What does that mean? Moe.
  5. Fantastic find, thanks CTG
  6. emails have been sent Moe
  7. Hi Tinneal, I have the files and tried to post them to the forum but the limit is 1.95MB and the first file is 1.99 the other is 3.73MB Same thing with trying to email them to you through the forum, the limit is still 1.95 If you want to go through another email just let me know. Mine is moeg999@yahoo.ca Moe
  8. Check this one out. It has patterns for a lot of different Eskimo clothing. Secrets of Eskimo skin sewing Moe
  9. Hi, great sheath, how did you make the holes in the stingray for lacing? The regular hole punches would get dull very quickly. Moe.
  10. That is a great looking carving, I like the paracord and horn concept too. did you glue the horn onto the sheath or is it an inlay of some kind? Moe.
  11. Hi Pat, if you want to make some check out this link. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=20841 It seems like the same recipe for vinegaroon, you just use it after one day of sitting in the jar instead of two weeks later. I've never used it this way, let us know how it goes. Moe
  12. Hi Stitch, thanks for sharing, that is a great way to attach it to the guitar strap too! Moe.
  13. moeg

    Recent Braiding

    Hey Mike, great work on the knife, I don't know much about horses and the gear used with them, but the other stuff looks good too! Moe
  14. Very cool, nicely done. Moe
  15. Hi Rob, I tried halford hides and what I got was worse than Tandy's worse. They might be better since the last time we dealt with them, but we won't order from them anymore. Caledon leather in Calgary is the best I've seen up to now. They carry Herman Oak. http://www.caledonleather.ca/leather.html Good luck, Moe
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