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About LNLeather

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/29/1952

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  • Location
    Vashon Island, Wa

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    Continuing L/W Skills
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Googled a pic for tooling & I found leatherworker.net

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  1. I contacted http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showuser=16724 on 1/12/14 and ordered a New Custom Emboss Stamp. My New Stamps were in the mail as of 1/15/14 and delivery is expected on 1/18/14. Oh, and Yes he is sending a Free “Made in USA” stamp too! That is Awesome Customer Service! Thank You Steve!

    1. LNLeather


      BTW - Thank You So Much!

      I Really Really Appreciate how Fast you Got this job done and out the door...

    2. EmbossingDieCompany


      You're VERY welcome!!! And thanks again!

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