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About LNLeather

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  • Birthday 07/29/1952

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    Vashon Island, Wa

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Googled a pic for tooling & I found leatherworker.net

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  1. Train is back on the tracks & nobody got hurt TG!

    1. lazybum


      Was that "train derailment" info from UPS? Got that too for my package. Learned from Google that its just a lame ass excuse for late delivery.

    2. celticleather


      I guess it beats 'leaves on the tracks', which is what we get in the UK!

    3. LNLeather


      Yes, that was info from UPS. There are some real train derailments. Some are minor - not necessarily the train falling into a ravine and bursting into flames. Whether or not it was Really a train derailment - things could be Much Worse I suppose... I got my thread today and I hope you get your package soon too!

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