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Everything posted by albane

  1. I have 132 k6 the 132 k6 machines tend to have a stitch length adjustment problem. The stitch length adjustment tends to have a mind of it's own. By this i mean it wants to stitch in any length except for the one i want!! If you have this machine and can't adjust the length then I suspect the previous owner locked down the mechanism so it won't move. DON'T TRY TO FORCE IT!!! I can tell you That mine slipped around a lot and I simply locked it down with a custom made screw driver and a small adjustable wrench. You will need to determine if your machine is configured the same way mine is. 1} the stitch length adjustment is a button located in the vertical mast http://leatherworker.net/forum/uploads/1293032179/gallery_15465_459_1651939.jpg 2} there is an access door on the top right near the hand wheel. http://leatherworker.net/forum/uploads/1293032179/gallery_15465_459_1062063.jpg 3}inside the access door there is a cam just behind the adjustment button. http://leatherworker.net/forum/uploads/1293032179/gallery_15465_459_1338551.jpg 4}the cam it self has notches on the outer circumference that the adjust button engages when depressed. 5}there are 2 sets of bolts going from right to left through the cam assembly. If you find you machine is configured this way I recommend loosing the two bolts enough to adjust the stitch length then re tighten. Bare in mind the parts are old, rare & hard to find. I would set the length and leave it alone. Hope this helps.... Happy Holidays
  2. From the album: Machines

    © © leatherworker.net

  3. From the album: Machines

    © © leatherworker.net

  4. From the album: Machines

    © © leatherworker.net

  5. The terrible twos, half way through.

    1. wildrose


      hate to tell you that three was much worse than two!

  6. First I would like to thank Wizcrafts for his dedication to this forum. without him the forum would be at a great loss. His posts are correct 99.9% of the time ( i think I found a typo last year) Responding to Dougs inquirey about button key holing machines. I have NEVER found a reliable system that I would put into production. I can make button holes by hand guiding my zig zag better than any attachment I have found. As far as cam dirven machines like are typiclly used on denim they are problematic at best and I am not willing to risk trashing an almost finished project with a unreliable system. If i was going to put a "Home based machine" to the task of button holing leather I would time the machine for the specific thread and materials to be used. (good luck with that) Again Thank you Wizcrafts!!!
  7. On my way to harpers to see Damage inc

  8. Seek perfection of character Be faithfulEndeavorShow good spirit Refrain from violent behavior

    1. jinrui73


      Do you know Paul Smith? Because that sounds alot like the creed we had to memorize at Smith Academy!

  9. Park Ranger, You are Definitely missing the bobbin case!!! Did they not send the belt cover as well? you are also missing one the thread pre tension / guides. There should be two of them on the top of the head. If your dealer won't make good for you on the bobbin case I can dig an old one up for you. The Phaff 1245 is my Favorite flat bed sewing machine. they have there limitations if you stay within the limits you will find that rig is a useful asset. Best of luck and congratulations on obtaining such a fine instrument. check out this link
  10. Flippin' Bleeding Hearts!!!! I vow to cut down every starp I see for the rest of my life.

  11. You may have a bad cone of thread. Try sawping cones .
  12. Andy, I have 2) consew 146rb sewing machines. One is set up for wet suit edge binding. While the other is stock. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&expIds=17259,24813,24999,25566,26046,27015&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=consew+walkingfoot+zig&cp=22&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=consew+walkingfoot+zig&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=9f2370386c77b788 try that link
  13. I have 2 consew walking foot rigs. lets talk about your needs.
  14. My new skiver will be here at 7:00 pm I can't wait

  15. I had a conversation with an old Russian leather maker (More like a combination of mime, charades and Pictionary) He had been watching me "play" with making a batch of Vinegroon. Anyway he told me that "back home" they make Vinegroon in all colors. he mentioned by using apple peels and apple cider vinegar they make an electric blue. He produced a new buck suede shoe with the most intense shade of blue I have ever seen! Until now I have only heard of black Vinegroon made with iron and vinegar. I wanted to try it for myself so...... Was he pulling my leg or is there some truth behind his statement ?
  16. http://www.advancedlaserdies.com/ModernSRD/Modern_Index.htm These guys make great tools.
  17. Wanna sell it ? I can offer it to a friend of mine. Let me know,
  18. Would you consider making custom stamps ( a makers stamp ) ? I bet you would get a lot of interest here on leatherworker.net
  19. YKK USA has a $100.00 minimum that's why I recommended http://www.zipupzipper.com/ there minimum is 1 piece. By the way they have EVERYTHING.
  20. I like your stamp. Did you make it yourself? Can you make others? Let us know...
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