Thank you all for the replies. Very informative.
Gregory B. Moody,
By all means... Anytime you see a post by me... Please feel more than welcome to "answer questions people did not ask".
You answered questions I did not even know to ask. The saddle soap on the lace before starting for example... Never even thought of that, but it makes so much sense.
Thank you
Sidney Wood,
My past couple of projects I have used the Cardoba patterns, but my latest I have taken a stap at a round lacing pattern. And although I have to admit I really like the overall look. After reading Gregory B's reply I have to wonder if this is cost effective. For now (for me anyway) thats not a major concern because I am not using the 40.00 a roll roo lace, but as I hope to get better I am sure I will be moving up to that.
Thanks everyone for the replies, and will be looking for those books. Sounds like another trip to Tandys is in my near future, and a search on ebay...LOL...