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Everything posted by abn

  1. Hi, everyone: The site's recent downtime demonstrates some of the challenges inherent in keeping a forum of this size and activity up and running 24-7. Johanna, Kate, and the other admins have done a wonderful job over the years offering us a place in cyberspace where we can ask questions, show off our recent work, and get to know other leatherworkers around the world. Leatherworker.net has always been a free Internet resource, and I hope it always will be. But there are costs associated with hosting a large forum on a dedicated server, and donations are appreciated and encouraged. If you're interested, there's a "Donate Now" button about half-way down the forum's main page on the right-hand side. Any amount is acceptable. At the end of the day, your most important contribution to this forum is your continued interest and participation. But if you're able to make a donation and haven't yet done so this year, I encourage you to help out. Donations help improve the site's technologies and architecture, and ensure that Leatherworker.net will be around for a long time to come. Many thanks, -Alex
  2. Hi, Joe: Welcome to LW.net. You don't necessarily need to invest in a sewing machine to make wallets. Sure, it'll speed up the construction process, but you might want to try hand-stitching your first couple of projects before making such a large investment. (Some of us old-fashioned folks even prefer to hand-stitch.) I don't work in exotic leathers, but I'd suggest checking Springfield Leather, as they can probably meet most of your supply needs. Regarding tools, I'd guess you'll need needles, thread, a stitching awl, leather shears, white glue or contact cement, leather dye, maybe edge dye... Hmm... What am I missing? Good luck on your first projects, and be sure to post pics! Best regards, -Alex
  3. Ugly leather's the best kind... It's got the character of a tough life on the range. I'm always a bit confounded by the many leatherworkers that insist on the most pristine surface money can buy. Your project is the perfect example of what can be done with the average piece of leather. Amazing!
  4. Compound, welcome. Your English is just fine, and your leatherwork is spectacular. Love those boots!
  5. Whew, that's some sweet work, Allen -- as usual!
  6. Very nice work. Looks really attractive to my eyes. Congrats!
  7. Pretty amazing for a first project... I'd say you have a bright future as a leatherworker ahead of you! Is the sheath machine-stitched or hand-stitched? The stitching looks great.
  8. abn

    G'day Mates

    B.J. - Welcome to Leatherworker.net, and thanks for updating your profile. (I wish everyone did that!) It sounds like you have a lot of experience to share, and we're glad you found us. I took a look at your gallery, and especially liked the sailboat wallet. Keep on posting! Best, -Alex
  9. I use regular old Super Glue and I apply about a quarter-drop to a stitching needle. Then, I very carefully glaze the top of the two backstitches. I find this method a little neater than simply putting a big old unsightly drop on top of the stitches...
  10. Agreed. A very nice post... Thanks for sharing, Jon.
  11. P.G. -- We're glad you found us. There's literally years of information on these forums, which is best searched using Google. For example, if you're looking for more information on a DB-138, you'd use the following search term: site:leatherworker.net DB-138 This limits your search to this site only. However, feel free to ask questions here, as well. Get familiar with the different forums, so your sewing machine questions go in the sewing machine forum, etc. That way, they'll get noticed (and hopefully answered) by the folks who are knowledgeable in that area. -Alex
  12. You've found the right place to learn everything there is to know about leather. Please don't be shy... Post images of your work when ready! Best regards, -Alex
  13. If you backstitch twice and use glue, there's no need for unsightly knots, etc. I'll literally hold forever...
  14. On all of my projects, I backstitch twice and then use a needle to apply a little bit of Super Glue. (I'm using nylon thread.) In seven years of building personal items, like wallets, that get lots of use, I've never had a stitch come loose. Just don't get messy with the Super Glue... It can be an eyesore if not done carefully!
  15. Nice work. LOVE the grain bag inlays. A simple touch, but adds a lot of character.
  16. abn

    Just Joined

    After seeing those beautiful guitars, I can't wait to see what you can do with cowhide!
  17. Well, that sure beats the 20" plastic toolbox I use... Ed, will you adopt me?
  18. Awesome! I love the design, the color, and especially the thoughtful use of copper rivets... Very classy!
  19. Another option might be Eco-Flo All-In-One in Primrose Red... This is a softer, more mellow pink...
  20. John, if you enjoy what you're doing and can make enough money to survive, you're already ahead of lots of folks. Don't worry about what the other "Joe" is doing, or how much he's making. There will always be folks making more (and less) than you are. Focus on the satisfaction you get out of your craftmanship and design.
  21. Very nice. I especially like the contoured shape of the belt loop. Sometimes the aesthetic value of the belt loop is overlooked, since it's mostly hidden from view. Kudos!
  22. Daniel, great work on this project... Glad you get to keep and enjoy it!
  23. Fredo, Bruce Johnson put together a wonderful set of basketweave tutorials. You can find them pinned at the top of the Stamping forum. I hope they help!
  24. I'll bet wearing that combo is an attention-getter. Congrats... Beautiful work!
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