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Everything posted by CDragonworks

  1. I have been looking for a way to delete all my content or just QUIT and no luck!
  2. I have a LOAD of handmade leather stock. I had a booth at TX Ren Faire and I was doing many shows but life is now different and I can't leave the farm to do shows like I was! I want to sell all my stock to someone who does shows. I will only be doing my customs and such that I can do without leaving home! If you are interested I have over 100 pouches that normally retail from 50 to 150(tooled and painted OOAK) and many other pieces.Far too many to list. I also have hand made flogs,cats and collars as well. Contact me I tried to put up pictures and it would not allow it so contact me dancethellano @ hotmail dot com if you wish to see pictures. Serious inquiries PLEASE! Price will depend on how much you want!
  3. I have a machine we bought to do shows and it just did not work out doing shows(not the machine,the shows) So we added a treadle base and made it usable as either a hand cranker or a treadler. It sews light leathers, uses regular machine needles (including the home type leather points). Easy to clean and take care of and would be great if you wish to use it out front at a ren faire or the like. I have video of it going and all on FB so using the link to my page there for pictures ETC. Email me dancethellano @ hotmail. Asking $300.00 for it https://www.facebook.com/pg/Cassandras-Dragonworks
  4. Thanks! Yeah we are trying to rework the old website but I am thinking the days of the artist may be truly numbered. After all this time I am seeing no sales on EBAY or ETSY unless I price below the cost to make it. It sucks!
  5. I have been swing,designing and selling for almost 20 years. Sales sites have become saturated with imports and I was wondering if anyone on here knew of another sales site other than EBAY or ETSY???? They seem to be hard to find. I tried doing cons and Fests but honestly life is harder as you get older and hauling, setting up and dealing with political BS at sits SUCKS. If you have any ideas of a good place for online sales let me know...Thanks! Cat
  6. I am looking for a good supplier for deerskins...I need black and whiskey/mahogany/choc and even smoke from time to time.... anyone know of a good source with good prices???
  7. Does anyone have a supplier for the longer shanked boot conchos? I want them for many projects I have going and so far have not been successful. Figured other on here might know!
  8. If you have an industrial sewing machine place near you go check them out. One thing I will tell you is make sure whatever you get is easy to get the parts for if you need them. I have a 1951 Singer 111G156 and I use it so much I have had to replace the hook now about every 3-5 years due to plain old wear. Be sure you get a good manual that shows all the places you may need to adjust as if you have to haul it to a shop it becomes stupid expensive! We have to time mine from time to time but with the amount of sewing I do it is no wonder!
  9. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10205369374412376&set=vb.1189374515&type=3&theater Video of the machine running with a barely held on home machine motor...shown sewing med fabric and Lighter garment/upolstery leather I am asking 350.00 for the head. You will need to choose your motor based on what you plan to sew! If it is shipped we will have to figure out how to get it to you will let you figure it out and choose your shipper! Buyer will pay shipping. If you are fairly close by I can meet up with you! I am in Texas Navasota area. College Station and Brenham are close! We cleaned her fully she has been lubed and is running smoothly. This is not a walking foot model machine. She sews light leather and heavy fabrics. If you are serious make me an offer! The winder is actually rare. It needs a rubber doughnut and it will wind bobbins. You will need a table and motor just want you to be aware of this fact! I am thinning down my machines I do not have room for all my collection!
  10. Does anyone know why this old beast would rock back and cause the machine to bugger the thread on the underside. It is not the bobbin thread that is the issue but the walking foot/needle rocking back it you have to stop or slow down... we have tried every thing to adjust the timing to stop this and have had it to the shop more than I care to say. We replaced the entire hook assembly and now it is giving me more problems in that not only does it rock back on the topside but it now packs the thread under the darn bobbin case... which the old assembly never did and the new did not do until more than a year out. I am wondering if the machine is just worn out. I sew on this thing A LOT so I know I have run her to the ground. but I oil her all the time and keep them clean. We did find that a heavy rubber band on the walking foot at the back top will slow down the rocking for a time but it breaks fairly quickly....
  11. Just realized that it will soon be 2 years since my friend Drac committed suicide..... I know he is missed by many!!!! I hope he found the peace he was seeking! Cat
  12. I have a request for a reproduction of the POC Baldrick that Capt'n Teague wore...if you look at the buckle it is a (3-4) 2 tanged(pronged) buckle with shell like details in the center edge and corners!!! Anyone know of a place to find this??? Cat
  13. Ray, I do not know about Rabbit glue(sounds yucky like horse hide and hoof glues) but what I use is water based Liquid Stitch for my soft leather and Elmer's(or equivalent) waterproof wood glue for the harder ones. Both work well dry fast and allow you to move it around till you get it right...and yes it does need to be held down till it sets some but hey are we really in that big a hurry!
  14. So far I have only heard that as per his wishes he will be cremated. I am trying to find out more but Ben is trying to work things out with the family and all to get this all handled so I will try to let you know where to send condolences and flowers...etc... Cat
  15. I got word today that my friend,Drac(who is the person who got me on this board), committed suicide last night! Please keep his family and close friends who found him in your prayers! Cat
  16. First check to see your threads are tensioned evenly... they should lock in the center of the two pieces(I use two thread colours to check with). If all is good there backstitch and either burn or glue if it keeps doing it... I backstitch and never have a problem!Cat
  17. I agree for some older leather workers the Servo might be a great idea! M clutch motor is a 3/4 hp and I have never noticed heat being flung off it...and I have sewn for HOURS at a time making Jerkins in a high number. The old 1/2 HP that was on it when we got it did get hot and it blew out...wax everywhere. But it was OLD! I would just suggest that anyone who is not NEEDING the servo speed control learn to sew without it... I can make the machine go so slow it is crazy and so fast it is nuts...all in the span of an item if I am doing delicate topstitch I run slow and make LOADS of turns and curves...if I am doing a long seam I run it much higher speed...and when sewing patches on a horse blanket that is ripped up in large areas I run it at ludicrous speed! I am not saying everyone can learn or has the legs for it but most can! Thanks Wiz
  18. Hi if you get a chance to email me I will discuss this with you further. I can do about anything like this you want but it don't come cheap! You are looking for a backpack what is wearable one of a kind art. my email (dance the llano AT hot mail DOT com) take out the spaces and make the dot and at symbols...you know the drill! Cat
  19. I find that when people have money to spend they tend to spend it if the item is unusual or unique. Price is a minor matter at say a Renaissance faire if they can try it on and handle it... buying off the net they don't have the chance to play with it first and will spend less! Working for one of the booths I was designing and sewing for I sold 600-800 leather outfits and the people did not blink. But the same outfit online would not sell for as much... Once an end user puts it on you have a great chance of them buying.... So if you are going to sell animal goods selling from a booth at a dog or cat show would be prime space! If I am selling Jerkins,bodices and pouches...I need to be at a Ren Faire or Con! Cat
  20. I hope this helps! I love my machines!
  21. I keep seeing the same questions on here and as a designer and seamstress(and machine collector) I thought I might help out. First thing I see is ...How can I slow this machine down? My advise is don't! Learn to make your machine handle the way you want without the special controllers. It offers you more power and control over the machine. Here is how I teach people to sew on an industrial Take off your shoes. Make certain you will not be disturbed for at least and hour. NO MUSIC or noise. Take out the thread and the bobbin,get a scrap of leather or two and just practice making it walk slow and controlling the direction. You will be surprised at the details you can stitch if you gain control or your speed. (I use them to do detailed topstitch) Now simply put your foot on the pedal and your rt hand on the wheel. start slow listen for the motor hum and feel the vibrations with your feet. Just that easy. If you are quick and sensative an hour and you will have gained major control. Never fear it can take longer. The second I see is ...Where can I get a manual or instructions. GOOGLE... there is a MULTITUDE of sites that have them and places that have info on most older machines. the newer ones you may have to pay! My final thought is this...it is a warning of sorts. Make sure you keep the gears oiled with high quality SEWING machine oil. On the older ones I use spray silicon on the under parts as well as the oil. It makes them run cooler and smoother. and even if it claims to be a self oiler check all the oilable parts to be sure it is...without oil your machine will tear itself up. Wear and tear are the biggest killer of these monsters. DO NOT USE 3IN1 Oil...EVER! Trust me if it sits even a few days after you run it it can gum up and stick and the mess you get requires a MAJOR cleaning..I use Carb Cleaner or Brake cleaner for this but it will remove paint and smells HORRID! Life with these babies is plain better without the headaches! Good luck and have FUN with your industrial, Cat
  22. Join ISMACS...if anyone has found them they will know. As a year ago no one had found them...they would have to be new old stock as they were foil with layers on them...very delicate and detailed.... there were some reproductions of some but they are gaudy and not very good.... I collect,restore and salvage old machines... I have hand painted details onto a few older machines not to make them perfect but to make them look a bit better...you can tell they are painted but it looks better than the missing parts on the ones that were really ratty! If it runs smooth and is simply missing decals OH well! Cat
  23. I was curious to see if any of you have knowledge of an easy to use but not too set in its ways program for building a website? I have a website I made many years back but the program I used is gone now and so I am at an impasse! I know some but not much HTML...so I prefer to not use it. BUT I do not want a template that limits my ideas of where to put my photos and text. Any ideas... cost etc? Thanks Cat
  24. From the album: CDragonworks Leather STUFF

    The other Gondorian Ranger custom I did for the fellow.

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