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Everything posted by compound

  1. Thanks to all. Here is my second pair this month...... just finished. For really "roping" enthusiast
  2. Hi all Next pair of boots for customer in Germany. 18" high top boots for very "slim" and tall guy
  3. Came new idea with my new 45ACP toy. Adjustable lefthanded holster in 5 positions. Very comfortable for me. Thanks for opinions Martin
  4. "Dismantle" some old boots or shoes help maybe..........in my case it was.
  5. Thanks. I will try make some pics from "bootmaking proces" for you on next project. When i began with bootmaking i had same problems with important infos about it. So i understand .......
  6. Hi all Here is my last boot project. High lace boots . Not my style but new proprietress is satisfied
  7. Thanks to all!. I have orders for next few months for my countryman and german customers , so i show some others pics soon Martin
  8. Hi all My next pair of boots for one "cowgirl" was finished last weekend. Brown calf vamps, blue turquoise tops with ostrich leg hide inlay. I must say, it looks very good! She wear boots, and saddle pad in same turquoise color
  9. Thanks to all. Not perfect yet, but lot of orders for next 8 months. Good practice for learning
  10. Thanks!!! I think if you can make corset, you can try to make boots too..........but make a measures for corset must be more funny than foot measures
  11. Hi all Here are first two pairs of boots in this year
  12. Hi all My last 2015yr work. Thanks for opinions Martin
  13. This pair of boots was made for my friend Mr Gene Baldwin, famous Oregon Hatmaker.
  14. Hi all Please, know anyone THIS machine? Thanks Martin
  15. Great news for me Bruce Saddle number: 30451 Chaps number:30452B I posted this other post some timeago for next identification of another Visalia saddle with 6970 number : If i may ask Thank you very much Martin
  16. Hi all I would like to know some infos about this saddle. I discovered it in hipologic museum in our country. Unfortunately , i have not Visalia catalogues for better identification of model and age. Chaps and spurs included in this set
  17. Thanks. I used custom made plain high polished german silver conchos-in according with original. ..so, 2nd place in "stand alone" category on Sheridan Show this year isn´t bad for me
  18. Hi all After long time i returned for my first idea, and now "black beauty" replica is finished. I built this "half size" saddle for 2015 Sheridan show
  19. I think, must be some real reason. I saw it on few old saddles on shops, collections and books............for better rider´s stabilily?..
  20. Hi all Does anybody know, why old timer saddles with centerfire rigging have stirrups leathers under rig? Thanks for infos for ignorant enthusiast Martin
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