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Everything posted by compound

  1. Hi all Thanks for very interesting debate about leather work¨,swivel knives and baboons. Now i know what is this feeling during long hours above workbench This year i meet Bob Klenda on ACM show in Loveland Colorado. He is incredible crafter. I had occasion see Bob in action with tool on hands .His working with swivel knife-finger carving are EXCELLENT. I must say his hints about technique and tools are very helpful for me. At present i wait consignment with two new swivel knives from Barry King. Next level i hope will be knife from Zalesak-LeatherWrangler
  2. I think, rawhide cover on old tree need new coat of SHELLACK
  3. Welcome GianniWest Donˇt worry! I think here is place for all "leather lovers" and leatherwork on your website is beautifull .!. I have only best experiences with guys on this forum. Welcome once again Martin
  4. Hi all Last week i made buckaroo knife for my friend. He is a promoter of vaquero contest . He say my knife will be good trophy for champion. I made "special" stand for knife and steath. I think will be better and stylish demonstrate of this work
  5. O.K. If will be problems with posting to this forum, send me pics by email Martin
  6. Hi Have you some picture of your saddle? I guess Czechoslovak army used same saddles like germany army....we had german military occupation during WW II. We have lot of old military saddles between horsemens
  7. I agree with all . Very nice saddle and clear work
  8. Really LOVE this design. I build similar type of saddle with 18inch freak fork for ACM Loveland show this year. Can i see front view of your saddle? Thanks Martin
  9. compound


    Hi all After time some new from my workshop. This is gift for my friends and their ranch guest room. Horse picture is 7 inch diameter
  10. Hi all After long time some new item. Big capacity back quiver with 2point shoulder strap. Construction without metal parts-laced only. Pocket for armguard and glove store. Rattlesnake skin inlayed
  11. WOOW Very nice work. Combination of sheridan with brand is beautiful:notworthy: I studied some originally "woolies" chaps on Loveland Old West round-up auction last month. I guess will must try to make this incredible t piece of traditional cowboy apparel Great work Martin
  12. Hi Rod and Denise Your work and enthusiasm for these projects are wonderful. Not long ago i was one english side saddle on my workshop for repair. Unfortunatelly original english saddletree was totaly broken and incomplete-without one leaping horn. English trees have not good life time- too little wood and a little bit rusty steel clamps-repair is impossible Tree from your production is a SOLID construction and will be FOREVER on this world. Thanks for pics Martin
  13. Hi Bob Very nice design. I very inerested to OLD TIME style at last time. Your pics are good inspiration for me. I hope i make similar thinks soon Martin
  14. Yes, clear work with incredible produce. I thought is impossible produce this work on earth These pics are truly inspirational Thanks for your pics Martin
  15. Yees.....very nice tooling!
  16. Hi Sylwek I see. world is very small with internet. I know your work from my favorite forum KNIFE.CZ Nice work-as ever Martin.........(MEli on KNIFE forum)
  17. Yees ..nice and clean work! These "small thinks" i sew by hand too, Is better instead machine sewing. Pretty concho on saddle tan case! Martin
  18. Hi Casey Nice pieces!!! ...bag dimensions? Your tooling is GREAT and full of ideas! Martin
  19. I see these you have same problems like we I agree with all posts on this topic. I think- "saddlemaking and leatherworking sense" , love and enhusiasm for this handcraft - this is a way . Will be allways a many others persons wanting to learn "leather job" , and they known that they must get own experience which will be better and helpfull to him than old mentor advices. Unfortunately lot of time and years is needs for it from them I have over 20 years long way in leatherwork behind me too Cca 70 years ago in my country was interesting and good assortment system for it. Master craftsman recieved a few young boys like apprentices. Apprenticeship was 10 years long. During this timeline young follower step by step teached handcraft, too business strategy and he worked for master craftsman in his shop and participate on his profits . Not all of apprentices pass out, but those that finished ,recieved vocational certificate from master craftsman. Afterward he can go off and with master certificate started his personal firm ..........i think , finished only the best and enhusiast handsrafters..good handcrafters... like our ancestors Is good have a mentor.......but is VERY important..... REMAIN i hope do you understand me? English isn´t my native language
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